Henrik Linder DIRTY LOOPS Axe-Fx III BASS Tone Tour

It's disappointing that there's no discussion of what amp models/cabs/etc he's using for this framework. The tonality is huge, but we all know the AxeFX isn't focused on providing a lot of options for bass players. Bass players have always gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to AxeFX, when there's potential for market capitalization. Henrik is a huge figure in this arena to some, and a little more "here's how you can do this" as opposed to "here's what I can do" would have created more potential for marketing the product to that arena.
It's disappointing that there's no discussion of what amp models/cabs/etc he's using for this framework. Henrik is a huge figure in this arena to some, and a little more "here's how you can do this" as opposed to "here's what I can do" would have created more potential for marketing the product to that arena.

The main presets don't have amps or cabs.
The big "Run Away" leads are the PVH 6160+ Lead amp and 5153 cab.

The tonality is huge, but we all know the AxeFX isn't focused on providing a lot of options for bass players. Bass players have always gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to AxeFX, when there's potential for market capitalization.

On the contrary, what I overwhelmingly hear from the professional bassists using Fractal (there are many, many more than people seem to assume) is how many options the Axe-Fx III presents to them as players, far beyond what traditional bass rigs have in the past.
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It would be fantastic to see some example presets, similar to the petrucci rig .

I don’t have the chops to play like either of them, but It’d be awesome to sound like henrik, and learn how he puts patches together
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