Help With Delay Block

Anyone know why a parallel delay block would be lowering my volume when turned on? Appreciate any input. Thanks!

It's possibly your bypass Thru mode is louder than enabled block.

If you are letting audio through in bypass, then you can attenuate the overall audio with the delay block level control with negative block level settings.
When using effects in parallel you should put the "Mix" knob of the effect block to 100% (full wet, no dry signal coming thru) and use the "Level" knob to tweak how loud you want the effect when it's not bypassed. It's like using the "Level" knob as a "Mix" Knob.

I would put the "Bypass Mode" to "MUTE IN" to let the tails of the Delay ring when you disengage it. Otherwise the Delay will stop abruptly. If you don't want the tails ring when bypassed, just use "MUTE OUT" or "MUTE".
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