Help with a new FM9


Hi guys I just recently upgraded my FM3 to a new FM9 and I am very happy with the extra horsepower and footswitchs.
Just trying to figure out a volume difference between the two units. on my fm3 I usually set output 1 to about 1or 2 o'clock on the dial for the xlr to foh and output 2 around 11 o'clock to a power amp and cab. on the fm9 i seem to have to boost both outputs a lot to get the same volume. I have checked my I/O setting to make sure they match. Maybe its just because they are two different units? or maybe i am missing something simple. Any help will be greatly appreciated
Check your output 1 in the in the front panel menu. make sure you are set to +4db vs -10db. That should do the trick.
Thanks but i have already set that to +4.
The two output 1s seems to be close enough but output 2 on the fm3 vs output 3 on the fm9 have a big difference
FM3 Out 2 has a Line Level option i believe, which could account for this difference. i think FM9 Out 3 does not have this option.
Oh, yes, that sounds familiar. My FM3 is currently only using Output 1 so I haven't needed anything else.

Good call-out!

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