Help - Upgraded Ultra from 7.13 to 8.09 - 2 problems...


Hi. I just finally upgraded my Ultra from Firmware 7.13 to 8.09 (Yes - I know... I was procrastinating).

Anyway, I just noticed 2 things. The first is a bigger problem, potentially...

1) My upgrade seemed to take place successfully. I got a "Good Checksum" message & everything. But, after it was done, I noticed something... I had used Bome's SendSX (which I ALWAYS use with zero problems) to send the Ultra 8.09 firmware to my axe FX. I still had it open, looked up at my computer screen, and noticed something weird. In the "MIDI In" window to the right of the screen, it was filling with the following code over and over again a few times per second...

F0 00 00 7D 01 10 F7
F0 00 00 7D 01 10 F7
F0 00 00 7D 01 10 F7
F0 00 00 7D 01 10 F7
F0 00 00 7D 01 10 F7
F0 00 00 7D 01 10 F7
F0 00 00 7D 01 10 F7
F0 00 00 7D 01 10 F7
etc, etc, etc...

Update: When I'm looking at the MIDI in page on Bome's SendSX, if I hit the "Tuner" button on the front of the AXE FX, a box suddenly opens up in the MIDI In Side of the Bome's window and it says, "Receiving Bulk Dump" and it appears to be sending data to it at light speed or something. The number showing the amount of data received is scrolling along really fast.

Anyway, it apprears as if my Ultra is now constantly sending MIDI messages out since upgrading. Is this right? The only way I can seem to get it to stop is by going to the Ultility menu or tuner on the AXE FX. Once I hit the recall button on the AXE FX and get out of the Utility menu or tuner, it starts doing it again. What does this MIDI message mean, and how can I stop it from constantly being sent out of my AXE FX Ultra?

2) Once I went to the AXE FX tuner, I noticed it behaving weirdly. It seems to work fine once you play a note for it to detect. And it also seems OK with the guitar's volume knob turned all the way down. But if you've just got your hands over the strings, muting them, while the volume knob is NOT turned down... the little dot jumps all over the place and the display floats between different "notes" on the screen, trying to detect different ones. Does this make sense? Anyway, it's not a big deal. It just never did this before for me. Maybe it's just way more sensitive than it was with firware 7.13 and earlier?

Anyhow, I really need help with problem # 1 more than anything. Do you guys have any help for me? Thanks, in advance!
browlett said:
Anyway, it apprears as if my Ultra is now constantly sending MIDI messages out since upgrading. Is this right?
It's right there in the release notes:

"Disabled streaming tempo sysex if in Utility menu."

"The SEND TUNER SYSEX parameter in I/O->MIDI is now SEND REALTIME SYSEX and enables sending of the tuner and tempo sysex data."
Jay Mitchell said:
browlett said:
Anyway, it apprears as if my Ultra is now constantly sending MIDI messages out since upgrading. Is this right?
It's right there in the release notes:

"Disabled streaming tempo sysex if in Utility menu."

"The SEND TUNER SYSEX parameter in I/O->MIDI is now SEND REALTIME SYSEX and enables sending of the tuner and tempo sysex data."

OK, Jay. Thanks! That makes sense, then. It also explains why it stops doing it when you go to the Utility menu... If you're going to be sending patches, banks, or system backup data out, you don't want it to be also trying to send the tuner and tempo data. Got it.

Boy, don't I feel stupid. :? I read the release notes a few times before upgrading because I missed quite a few updates and wanted to be sure that I knew what to look for when auditioning presets. It just didn't dawn on me that THIS would happen and I wasn't thinking it through.

Thanks again, Jay. :D
Tuner jumping around from low-level noise/hum sounds normal, I haven't noticed it being any more or less frantic in recent firmwares. I think 7.12 is the only one where it might have seemed more stable due to slower detection, but that caused some slight problems with harmonizer, synth & pitch-as-modifier and was changed in 7.13.
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