HELP Power Amp with Axe Fx Ultra Suggestions


Hey guys,
What power amp would you fellows recommend for me to use with my axe fx for live performances?

I play in metal band and the other guitarist uses a Peavey P6505+ (120 Watt) into a vader cab.
I have a VHT 2/50/2 connected to my axe fx. (I connect right into a single 4X12 guitar cab)

With that being said I simply was not loud enough. While the other guitarist was on 3 I was at 3 o clock (so like 7 or 8).
Sadly I am going to have to part with this VHT 2/50 and get a better power amp with more wattage.

So this is where I need some advice.
What type of power amp would you recommend? Solid State? Tube Powered? Wattage?

I heard that Solid State power amps work surprisingly well with the Axe (Carvin DCM 600) but it makes me a little nervous to attempt it since maybe the people who are using it are connected differently then myself. They could be connected through monitors with the cab sim and sag on. (so they are fully utilizing the axe). Meanwhile I have those things off when I am running it through my VHT 2/50/2 into my 4X12. So what is working awesome for them might not be the best in my situation. Well this is why I am asking you guys. LOL

Thanks for helping me out!
2/50/2 not loud enough? Wow! What is your volume set at on the Axe? Maybe your presets volume needs to be increased, as long as it's not clipping in the red on the Axe. Are you running both channels of the VHT into your cab. (stereo cab?)
2/50/2 not loud enough? Wow! What is your volume set at on the Axe? Maybe your presets volume needs to be increased, as long as it's not clipping in the red on the Axe. Are you running both channels of the VHT into your cab. (stereo cab?)

I think the volumes are set correctly.

But.. I only have one cable going from output 1 (left) on the axe fx to input A on the vht.
So i guess the cab is in mono..eeeRR I am so bad with connections V_V
Could that be the problem though?

Your connections are fine. What is your volume setting at your amp block? That's where I control the output volume for each preset. I keep all other blocks at 0 and I'll set the amp block volume around -12/-6db for a starting point. For my setup when I use the VHT(I go direct to board these days), I have a mesa 2x12 vertical cab with a stereo jack and use both channels of the VHT. Make sure your running in class A/B, there's a little more headroom in that setting.
Amp Block: Master Vol 5.75, Level 0.00
VHT: Class A on
Hmm..wonder what Im doing wrong here

If you use both channels of the VHT will it become louder or is it just for stereo purposes?
Try running in Class A/B, there's a little more headroom in that setting. It's not going to be mind blowingly louder but it does give the tone more punch. Another thing to look at is your tone settings in your amp block. It might sound great jamming on your own but once you play with the band, you end up lost in the mix. You may need to boost your mids and cut some lowend. That goes for the VHT's depth and presence controls too. Cut depth and boost the presence.

I don't know if adding the other channel is going to make it louder, but 2 50 watt amps are better than just 1 50 watt amp. You'd think? ;-)
Another thing to look at is your tone settings in your amp block. It might sound great jamming on your own but once you play with the band, you end up lost in the mix. You may need to boost your mids and cut some lowend. That goes for the VHT's depth and presence controls too. Cut depth and boost the presence.

I would think almost certainly this is a factor. In a band setting you need waaay more mids than you think – the guitar is a mid-range instrument, remember ;) Try cutting the bass, just about everything below 80Hz and boost your midrange frequencies. Do this at band level volume, with the bass and drums playing. You may think it'll sound like arse on it's own, but you'll be heard in the band for sure.
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