Help please ... expression pedal to input volume


I have an Ultra/MFC with Mission Eng expression pedals. I currently have XP1 set to CC#11 and it controls the output volume perfectly.

HOWEVER, I want to change XP1 to control input volume so that any delay effects I may have active will trail off when I back off the pedal, much the effect you get when you roll back the volume knob on your guitar.

I read that input volume CC# is 10 BUT when I set XP1 to CC#10, it has no affect at all. The pedal does nothing.

Do any of you have any ideas on what I may be missing or something I could try to get this effect?

Thanks in advance for you help!!!
Basically all you should have to do is place a volume block in the front of the signal chain, assign CC#10 to control Vol1 and that should be it.
solved ...

Basically all you should have to do is place a volume block in the front of the signal chain, assign CC#10 to control Vol1 and that should be it.

I found that my CC# map inside the Ultra got modified by me at some point. Input volume AND Output Volume were set at CC#11.

Changed it to 10 ... all works perfectly.

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