Help need a non gritty clean tone

Hi All,

Need some help getting clean? Useing a Strat with Single coils.

Made my presets at home at live volume level with QSC k12 monitors and I was happy enough then jammed for the first time in a basement using bass players mackie mains.

What I noticed was when I went to my clean for brown eyed girl it sounded almost dirty. This has me worried because I will never really know what monitors I will be running through at gigs so I want to be non gritty when dialing in at home with QSCs to counter act any mackie type PA's from adding any more. (hope that made sense.) My Levels on the unit show no red.

I understand tube amps have a little sparkle and grit even in a clean tone but is there a non gritty very solid state amp block in the axfx I tried the jazz 120 but I guess have not found the right cab block for it?

I have had that happen in the past. It was because the channel I was on has it's I out set to mic level instead of line
The new SF Twin gets it done nicely IMO. Also a Strat player, very fussy about clean tones. Input Gain gives you a ton of flavors, including grit and no-grit.
I have been having good luck getting improved cleans using the Input trim to get what I want.

I find the Double Verb pretty clean.
Shiver clean is very clean.

Changes in PA systems should not affect the gain structure of your amp settings. Something else happened there, perhaps played much harder or switched XY or many other things.

Don't be afraid to reduce Input Drive (amp gain) down to 1.00 or even lower if needed. You simply compensate for this using the Level parameter.

Note that the Master Volume parameter in the Amp block is actually more of a "power amp distortion" control, though it also affects the perceived volume. The Level parameter is the one you want to use for strict volume balancing.
I am with Chris, the Shiver is a great super clean amp for a strat. The ODS-100 clean can also be great with a strat. Matchless is another good choice also.

You might also consider changing the input Z some with a strat. It can help tame some of the harshness.
CA3 + CLEAN is my favourite, sounds great to my ears and its clean as a whistle. I really like the Usa Clean as well.

Thanks everybody for your help looking forward to trying all of theses out!

I also found this discussion below and its also helping Thanks again.
Clean to "clean-with-a-little-hair" discussion
The new SF Twin gets it done nicely IMO. Also a Strat player, very fussy about clean tones. Input Gain gives you a ton of flavors, including grit and no-grit.

Which amp block is the SF twin Is that one in the xl I only have the axe 2.

I am noticing the input trim dialed back alot is really helping but now my presets are a little too low.
I am with Chris, the Shiver is a great super clean amp for a strat. The ODS-100 clean can also be great with a strat. Matchless is another good choice also.

You might also consider changing the input Z some with a strat. It can help tame some of the harshness.

Could you tell me where do i change the Z input settings I have a serious mind blank on this one. thanks
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I'm not sure what style you're playing, but I play a lot of jazz and my absolute favorite tone for jazz is just a compressor, reverb, and a little eq to darken and bump the lows. No amp or cab model. It's super clean and balanced. I don't get any of the weird EQ humps that make me have to dial in a tone every time I play somewhere else.

Food for thought.
Which amp block is the SF twin Is that one in the xl I only have the axe 2.
this amp was added in a recent firmware update, available to all Axe-Fx II models.

I am noticing the input trim dialed back alot is really helping but now my presets are a little too low.
compensate by turning the Level parameter in the Amp block up.
I'm not sure what style you're playing, but I play a lot of jazz and my absolute favorite tone for jazz is just a compressor, reverb, and a little eq to darken and bump the lows. No amp or cab model. It's super clean and balanced. I don't get any of the weird EQ humps that make me have to dial in a tone every time I play somewhere else.

Food for thought.
Did not even think I could do that, interesting thanks
Could you tell me where do i change the Z input settings I have a serious mind blank on this one. thanks
Either in the software or directly from the axe Layout screen, Select the Input+Gate block and edit it. Its labeled Input IMP from the axe, and Input Z under axe edit.
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