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Help me... help you.

Why would I waste time reading when you can just tell me the answer????

I rarely have this type of problem. Quite obviously user error.

There are several diagnostic tests that can determine more accurately the source issue, rather than reciting the symptom, so try those first.

After that, simply apply the proper solution. Easy as pie.
Hey Chris, could you come over to my place and program my Axe Fx for me? 'Cause its like... your job, or something.
Dat thread.

This is truly a front-panel elitist question, I just need you to rephrase it for me so I can understand it in a more user-friendly "Axe Edit" kind of way.
It is most likely "user error". Try replacing the user, or either the interface between the Axe FX and the chair. Post results asap so we can further diagnose the issue. :mrgreen
i tried some of your solutions but you obviously don't know what you're talking about. the problem is still happening.

it's OBVIOUSLY not user error. you don't know me!
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