Help ! I need a downgrade !!!!!


Hello, can you help me, please...
Some days ago I did an upgrade from firmware 7 to the latest one. This is my first Fractal's upgrade ever. I read warnings that my presets would sound slightly different after this upgrade. But I didn't expected such a difference. Most of the preset sounds have changed completely in a negative way. Although, generally, most ampifiers sound better in the new version, my old presets sound simply ugly. In many patches I used to turn the Tube Drive model in front of the emulated amplifier. It sounded very smooth and the breakup was simply beautiful. But in the new firmware the Tube Drive sounds different: sharp and nasty. I tried for three days to recover the 'old' sound. And I have given up. Now I'm very sad. After three monts of tweeking I'm in a starting point again. I don't want to spend another long weeks on discovering my Axe-Fx. I'm not an 'amplifier listener', I'm a musician ! The only opporunity which I can see is to make a downgrade to firmware 7 and enjoying my old sounds again. Is it possible? I have no information about it.
I'm very sad/angry and if the downgrade is not possible I will sell the Axe-Fx.
I want to start playing (not tweeking) before my retirement :roll:
Having said that, if you play with the 9.x firmware, you may find that it's a significant improvement over the (already excellent) 7.x FW - especially with the amp sims and the reworked (as of 8.x) drive models.
Happybear said:
GuitarDojo said:

Thank you so much :p
One of the reasons for keeping the Axe-Fx is to be in a community of such friendly people (at this forum).

By the way, is it safe for the Axe-FX to make a downgrade from 9 to 7?
What do you mean by "safe" to downgrade from 9 to 7? It's just bits -- no less safe and no more dangerous than upgrading from 7 to 9. :) However, you may need to restore your old banks/presets (I hope you saved them before upgrading).
Before taking drastic action try and re-work one patch using 09 to get the sound you want
then if you cannot, go back. Could be just a simple fix is what you need. :)
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