Help - how to replicate this effect (inspired by Kurt Rosenwinkel)


Hi Guys,
i was watching the demo of the POG 3, do you think is possible to replicate the tone at 5:30 with Fractal only? I am not an expert of compressor and pitch.

Your question was asked on the forum 11 years ago...

Vol/Pan block, first in your signal chain, attach a modifier to it by pressing enter on the Volume parameter, then select Envelope for the type. Now press Control on your front panel, and page over to Envelope and play around with Attack and Release to set it how you want.

Yep, as above, envelope controller attached to the volume setting.

My Envelope settings for this effect are ...

Threshold: -70dB
Attack: 350mS (make this longer for a slower swell)
Release: 1mS
Gain 2.5

Just like the real pedal, you need to mute everything to get a swell on the next note(s). I thought an ADSR might work better for detecting the pick of new notes, but couldn't really find any settings that worked better than the envelope controller.

I use a gate block to do this
and it's actually better than the slow gear in the VG

thresh = -40
ratio = 4.0
att = 150
rel = 1
hold = 1

As @GM Arts noted above, you have to play cleanly to make the pickless swell effect happen. Make sure the previous note is dead silent before picking the next note.
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