Help getting the expression pedal configured......


I am having a really hard time with the FM9 tonight.....and the issue is probably me or my computer -- not the Fractal equipment.

I recently purchased the Fractal EV-2 expression plan is to use it as both a whah and as a volume pedal (depending up the Pre-set). I have the EV-2 plugged into the PDL 1 jack -- but I cannot seem to assign the pedal to the whah function. (Note: pedal is connected via TRS cable from EXP [front] jack). I can hear that the whah block is active, but moving the pedal offers no change in tone. I have Cooper Carter's FM3 and FM9 videos, but he is configuring his whah pedal using a screen he is "right-clicking" on a PC. The "control - click" (the Mac equivalent of right-click) is not bringing up the same screen on my very old MacBook computer. Seriously, the computer is now more than 12 years old, so maybe that is part of the problem?

Does anyone know another way to get to the configuration screen to link the pedal to the jack?

PDL 1 is the right jack to use for a whah / volume function, right?
Have you tried tapping on the trackpad with two fingers?
And also, you do have the mouse pointer on the control knob of the wah in Axe Edit when right clicking?
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Any of the pedal jacks can be used.

However, you need to a) configure the jack to know there's an expression pedal and b) calibrate the pedal.
I think I found a solution to my own question......the (Control + "click") function does work, but the cursor MUST be hovering over the Wah Control knob [in FM9 Edit]......otherwise the modifier screen is not displayed. Once I got into that screen, I could assign the Wah function to the Pedal 1 jack.
Have you tried tapping on the trackpad with two fingers?
And also, you do have the mouse pointer on the control knob of the wah in Axe Edit when right clicking?
I'll just confess my ignorance doing so (on a Mac) the equivalent of right-clicking on a PC?
I think I found a solution to my own question......the (Control + "click") function does work, but the cursor MUST be hovering over the Wah Control knob [in FM9 Edit]......otherwise the modifier screen is not displayed. Once I got into that screen, I could assign the Wah function to the Pedal 1 jack.
Yes... That is how you assign a modifier to a control. You have to right-click (or control-click) on the parameter you want to assign it to.
Thank you both. This is my third Fractal pedal (AX8, then FM3, and now a FM9)......and I am still such a noob. I continue to learn......or at least try to learn. I continue to be grateful for the kind support from Forum members such as yourselves.
I just saw a post in another thread... Not sure it's valid since I haven't tested.

It says you can click on a control and then press the "m" (for modifier) key to bring that up.
That works.
I use a Magic Trackpad with my iMac Pro, which tends to result in changing the value of whatever parameter I’m assigning to when I do a “right-click”. Instead, I click the label for the parameter and press M. It works fine.
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