Help...Before I Buy...


New Member
Hi there!

I'm new to this world and I'm about to order the Axe Fx Ultra.

I'm considering using it with very different kinds of guitars.
Some have EMG active pickups.
I'd like to know if the axe fx handle correctly all kind of pickups and / or if there is a mean to adapt to all the difference in impedance etc... (I know that on can accomodate the input gain on the guitar input on the front panel).
I know that some "real amps" seem to prefer high impedance pickups some others seem to take anything...
Any ideas , your own experience / knowledge of this fx processor regarding to input ipedance ???
Active pickups, passive pickups, humbuckers, single coils, piezzo pickups for acoustic guitars...

They all work well. Don't worry about any of that.
piezo pickups for electric guitar, P90s, Lipstick pickups, EMG81s, SC sized humbuckers, Alumitones etc
it's all good!
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