Help: Axe FX and computer out into ED5 monitors


I have a simple question but I want to make sure.

I want to play my Axe Fx II through Equator D5 monitors. The thing is that I would also like to connect my computer for regular music listening with the Axe Fx off. The wiki says to send the Axes' XLR to the monitors' TRS input but then I would use up the TRS inputs that is more natural to use with the mac audio connection. I know I can get both by USB but I want to be able to do it with the Axe off as well.

Does it make sense to send an XLR-XLR from the Axe FX II to the ED5 monitors and to route the mac LR out through the TRS? I just want to make sure I am not doing anything really stupid here or that would damage my unit.

thanks in advance!
You can go XLR to XLR from AXe to monitors.

If you then have TRS inputs left on the monitors you can use them too.

Then all you have to do is set up sound preferences and so on for where the sound needs to go when the Axe is on or off.
thanks stratamania.... good to confirm... i've been known to make high end hardware get that burned smell... just had to check!
What may be checking in the monitors manual if it has one is whether the TRS and XLR inputs can be used at the same time.
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