Help - Automatically Cycling to Edit Page After Recalling a Patch


New Member
Hey guys - as mentioned in the post title, when I recall a patch using the value knob, it shows the preset recall screen for a few seconds then automatically jumps to the edit page for whatever the first block is in the patch. Is this a setting that I can disable, or is it some kind of glitch? Just bought this unit from a seller on ebay. No other problems noticed, and this is a fresh upgrade to 11.03 (from 10.02). Any help would be much appreciated!
Is axe edit connected?
If so, it is normal!

It may be "normal" but it's still undesirable. I find it easier to scroll up and down the preset list using the value knob, as opposed to the mouse.(AE is ALWAYS connected)
In the past, I brought this up only to be reprimanded by another member for not reading the release notes. (pardon me!!!)
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