HELP - Anyone in DFW-area


I purchased my AFX3 approx 6 months ago, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've played through it. I havent even taken the FC2 out of the box. The learning curve keeps me walking straight to my Hughes and Kettner. I cant figure out how to customize was SO easy with my Digitech GSP2101, unfortunately that unit finally went tits-up.

It just seems a shame to let this beautiful (and pricey) piece of hardware just collect dust. So is there ANYONE here in the DFW-area willing to show me how to use this fucking thing? I will gladly pay you for your time (within reason 😉).

I third Axe-Edit. If it didn't exist I probably would have already stopped tweaking. The front panel is way too complicated (or at least hard to wrap your head around) if you're not very used to working with it. With Axe-Edit it's literally a matter of some quick drag and dropping and clicking, maybe entering some values. It's one of the best editor software I've ever used.
I purchased my AFX3 approx 6 months ago, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've played through it. I havent even taken the FC2 out of the box. The learning curve keeps me walking straight to my Hughes and Kettner. I cant figure out how to customize was SO easy with my Digitech GSP2101, unfortunately that unit finally went tits-up.

It just seems a shame to let this beautiful (and pricey) piece of hardware just collect dust. So is there ANYONE here in the DFW-area willing to show me how to use this fucking thing? I will gladly pay you for your time (within reason 😉).

Your answer lies here:

Cooper is super knowledgeable on all things Axe Fx, and sets them up for the stars. His tutorials are intuitive and take you step by step through the process so you understand how and why you set each parameter a certain way to get the results you want. For the price of a cheap stomp box, you’ll have that Axe Fx doing exactly what you want and be confident about tweaking on the fly.

I‘m not affiliated with Coop, but have watched his interactions with people here for years, then on his own channel, and also on G66 where he shares a ton of Fractal info. I believe what he does works, and it‘ll be money we’ll spent. Invest a bit of time and you’ll get more than your money back when you sell the H & K!
It's a great thing that you're spending more time playing than tweaking your tone. I highly recommend taking a few minutes each day to read the manuals to get acquainted with the design. I read them twice before my unit showed up, and it was so helpful; I was ready to go when my Axe-FX III and FC12 arrived.

To me it was worth it because of the sheer power and flexibility of this thing, and it paid off for me, but people have spoken highly of Cooper Carter's video series too.

Finally, just about every question you might have had probably been discussed on this site, so definitely search to see if you can find the answers to specific questions. And if you can't find your answers, just post here and you'll get plenty of guidance.

Best of luck! To me it's an insanely fun journey.
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Download and install axe edit. It makes the whole rig design so much easier.
There are a couple of things you have to use axe-edit for, but almost everything can be done from the front panel. It is a very good idea to stick with the front panel until you feel comfortable with it, unless you want to have to bring out the laptop for every gig.
There are a couple of things you have to use axe-edit for, but almost everything can be done from the front panel. It is a very good idea to stick with the front panel until you feel comfortable with it, unless you want to have to bring out the laptop for every gig.
Suggesting a noob start off on the front panel is a recipe for disaster. Nothing is easier than drag and drop. A “seasoned pro” who reviewed the unit couldn’t get the front panel figured out.
Suggesting a noob start off on the front panel is a recipe for disaster. Nothing is easier than drag and drop. A “seasoned pro” who reviewed the unit couldn’t get the front panel figured out.
I’ve been around here long enough that I remember way back when when AxeEdit actually caused big problems. Like WAY back when.

it’s been a world-class app for quite a long time now thanks to @Michael Pickens
unless you want to have to bring out the laptop for every gig.
I exclusively use the editor. Waaaay easier and faster. Do all of your work at home, and you should rarely need the editor at rehearsals, and you will NEVER need it at a gig.

Pre setup whatever you think that you might need to tweak just before a show, on the 'Performance' pages.

Personally, I have never used the editor before or during a show. I have used the front panel to tweak something at sound check maybe twice in a dozen years using Fractal.

Having said that, knowing how to use the front panel is still a really good idea!
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Learn the front panel, but not to get up and running or to explore the feature set of the unit. Learn it eventually. Doesn’t hurt, but it can frustrate a noob pretty quick.
I purchased my AFX3 approx 6 months ago, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've played through it. I havent even taken the FC2 out of the box. The learning curve keeps me walking straight to my Hughes and Kettner. I cant figure out how to customize was SO easy with my Digitech GSP2101, unfortunately that unit finally went tits-up.

It just seems a shame to let this beautiful (and pricey) piece of hardware just collect dust. So is there ANYONE here in the DFW-area willing to show me how to use this fucking thing? I will gladly pay you for your time (within reason 😉).


If you need 1:1 coaching, there are plenty of people who do this (myself included).

I would search through the subforum for "find a teacher/expert" and you may be able to find one local or hire someone to walk you through it remotely
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