Help: Activating drive and filter block with the same foot press


Hi, first, sorry about my english, is not my main language.
I'm trying to activate in just one foot press a drive block (at the beginning of the chain) and a filter block (at the end of the chain, as a lead boost). FCB 1010 with eureka chip btw.
The point is, in a clean/crunch tone, being able to enhance drive (beginning of the chain) and general volume (end of the chain) to play solos with just one foot press without changing to another preset.
I have tried splitting the chain in several ways, but since one block is at the beginning and the other is at the end, I can't find the way to make this work. I think the first block has to be in "mute bypass" in order to cut the signal to the second one if the first is not active.
IF I split and create a paralel chain with drive and filter, these don't affect to the main sound (amp-cab-delay, etc...).
NOTE: I know that I could assign the same MIDI order to drive block and filter block, but I don't want this. I'd like to route the chain in order to activate the 2 blocks at the same time.
I have done this before, but with contiguous blocks. No problem this way. But I can't find the way to do this with separated blocks. Is this even possible without assigning the same midi order to both blocks?
Thanks in advance and sorry again for my bad english.
I'm not familiar with the fcb, but it seems like the easiest way would be use a separate scene, in the solo scene just activate your drive block and turn up the output for that scene.
And if you do use scenes (Tahoebrian5 beat me to it, lol), you could have your non-lead on scene 1 and your lead on scene 2. If you want to keep it so you use the same footswitch to change back and forth, you could copy scene 1 to scenes 3, 5, & 7, while also copying scene 2 to 4, 6, & 8. This way you could hit the scene increment (can't recall if that is the correct name) and on each press, it would act as if it was toggling between the two. Since it is set to move from scene 8 to scene 1, it will be a continuous loop of scenes. Maybe that will work? Good luck.
OMG thanks!. 2 great usefull tips.
Assign an external modifier is a great idea. And oh man, it would never have occurred to me the idea of even and odd scenes. One of the reasons I don't use scenes is I get lost cycling between 8 scenes. Copying 1,3,5,7 and 2,4,6,8 is just colossal! thanks thanks thanks :-D
the advantage of using an external (rather than the default bypass cc numbers) is that the external can be assigned to as many parameters as you like. if you don't use scenes (like me), it's very useful. assign it to drive bypass, filter bypass, reverb input gain, delay input gain etc etc and you can switch from rhythm to lead easily. scenes are ultimately more powerful, because you can use the X/Y functionality to pack more into a preset, but i've never made the switch (too old skool)
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