Hello! And what am I doing wrong?

You want larger than a 5" woofer to get closer to the visceral experience of an actual Amp. You'll find 5" to still be lacking in the low to low-mid ranges. A lot of people swear by the ADAM T7V. I have a pair of the higher-end A7V in my near future.

Also, to help level set your expectations. Here is a play through of the first 26 presets on the FM3.

Listen with your phones and then compare to your own. He is recording direct to DAW so you should be getting what Frank is getting, aside from differences in guitars and any YouTube audio compression.

Adding a sub is what really helped me. Helps get that room vibration and chug that cabs have and studio monitors and headphones dont.
When anyone tells me that they're getting thin tones out of headphones, they probably are using mono headphones and/or not using the proper headphone adapter and as a result hearing a phase cancelled tone. I would strongly double check you have stereo headphones AND a stereo headphone adapter when using the headphone jack.
When anyone tells me that they're getting thin tones out of headphones, they probably are using mono headphones and/or not using the proper headphone adapter and as a result hearing a phase cancelled tone. I would strongly double check you have stereo headphones AND a stereo headphone adapter when using the headphone jack.
Ooh summing to mono is definitely a thing. That actually got me when I pulled out the FM3 for the DynaCab beta. I forgot that the last time I used it I set the Output 1 in the I/O Settings to Sum L+R since I was going mono to FOH.
Adding a sub is what really helped me. Helps get that room vibration and chug that cabs have and studio monitors and headphones dont.
True that can help. But it can be counter productive to dialing in a live tone. If you adjust for all that bass and then plug into a house system and find you are lacking a lot of lows.
When anyone tells me that they're getting thin tones out of headphones, they probably are using mono headphones and/or not using the proper headphone adapter and as a result hearing a phase cancelled tone. I would strongly double check you have stereo headphones AND a stereo headphone adapter when using the headphone jack.

Very true. I started enjoying phones when I changed to stereo. Big difference.
True that can help. But it can be counter productive to dialing in a live tone. If you adjust for all that bass and then plug into a house system and find you are lacking a lot of lows.
I don't play out, so that is not a concern for me.
Hi Brad,

I have had this exact experience and I feel your pain, but help is at hand! Go to the Room/Air page of the Cab module settings, and also use a stereo Enhancer as well. There is a great video explaining it here:

The more I use my Axe FX 3, the more I realise that I have an insane sound-modelling powerhouse on my hands. It's not the same as other modellers out there, there's a lot of science exposed here. If you play through studio monitors (my usual set up), included in the sound is the room reflection and stereo sound therein, and it sounds great. But these are not the default part of the components of the sound your fractal product creates unless they are incorporated naturally or are inserted by your sound choices.

So when you're over headphones, it can sound harsh and horrible because the natural process of sound reflection is omitted from this - which you need to put back into the sound, for it to sound natural, familiar, and of course awesome.
Hi Brad,

I have had this exact experience and I feel your pain, but help is at hand! Go to the Room/Air page of the Cab module settings, and also use a stereo Enhancer as well. There is a great video explaining it here:

The more I use my Axe FX 3, the more I realise that I have an insane sound-modelling powerhouse on my hands. It's not the same as other modellers out there, there's a lot of science exposed here. If you play through studio monitors (my usual set up), included in the sound is the room reflection and stereo sound therein, and it sounds great. But these are not the default part of the components of the sound your fractal product creates unless they are incorporated naturally or are inserted by your sound choices.

So when you're over headphones, it can sound harsh and horrible because the natural process of sound reflection is omitted from this - which you need to put back into the sound, for it to sound natural, familiar, and of course awesome.

The OP hasn't been here in over a year... ;)
I also set it up for a very long time, look for a good impulse, in the dynamics tab in the amplifier play with the feedback tab from 1 to 2. And watch Leon Todd on YouTube
Hi all,

New FM3 owner and forum member here. I've come here for some advice after receiving my FM3 today and feeling like I want to immediately sell it. First off, I realize it must be user error as the FM3 gets glowing reviews. I know I'm doing something wrong and hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.

The issue is that most of the presets I'm playing (and all of the overdriven/distorted ones) sound compressed, thin, and tinny; like I'm playing through an old '70s portable transistor radio. The tones are grainy and buzzy, and don't sound the least bit lifelike. I'm only using headphones right now as I'm deciding on either monitors or an FRFR cab. I've tried three different headphones and every one sounds lifeless and distant. No bass, minimal mids, and no dynamics at all. I've tweaked the EQ and gain settings, but nothing improves the overall sound. I've read where others say it sounds rich and enveloping through 'phones, but that is the exact opposite for me.

I've been doing some reading and researching but haven't seen this type of issue yet. I just started using it so I know I have a learning curve in front of me, but like anyone I just wanted to fire it up, try some presets, and be amazed. So far, extremely disappointing. Could anyone suggest specific monitors or headphones that work really well with the FM3?

I will continue to experiment, but in the event you have some tried-and-true tips to resolve the issue, I thought I'd ask those who know a thing or two.

Your problem is the headphones, I get the same type of thing with them, but I'm using cheap headphones just for practice. Other guys on here will tell you about better headphones, but it's such a different tone from playing through speakers. If you intend to enjoy your FM3 through real speakers, dial it in for that.
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