Headphone sound vs live : how to compensate

I play mostly at church, and only through headphones at home. We practice through IEMs. I have no idea what I sound like at volume, but people seem to like it. Whatcha gonna do!

i run into the same problem. For the most part, I have learned how to be at home and program a sound that will end up sounding great through the sound system at my church. But the most helpful thing you can do in your situation is what I just did this past Saturday. I made arrangements with the tech/music guys to set up my gear in the auditorium and have it hooked into the sound system and turned up to atypical Sunday volume.

Then I created my song patches at that volume.

Now I've recalibrated my reference point and when I program for the next time I'm playing, I can refer to those "in the room" patches I created Saturday and used Sunday. I try to do this once every 6 months to keep from fooling myself with the stuff I'm programming at home.
Don't return them, try with a decent headphone amp first.
I'm on a hunt for a new pair of headphones for my axe and have been trying very many different headphones(closed back.open back, in ears, on ears... , different impedances, different brands, from 50-2000$ .

For some of the various headphones the headphone amp in the Axe Fx II is sufficient, for some of the headphones you only need to turn up the output knob to get good results. But for some headphones it sounds shrill and almost distorted and there is no umpf in the tone. It is like there is a lack of bass with lots of distorted hi end. But, if i take the same headphones that sound shrill and distorted and power them with a decent headphone amplifer, then the umpf, bass, bottom end is there and the sound is well balanced without that distorted top end.

I have been reading about headphone amps and some amps are better suited for high impedance headphones(400-600 Ohms) and some for low impedance headphones(10-30 Ohms), but this is not the whole story.

Some headphones require a higher wattage amp to deliver good dynamics.

I've read somewhere here on the forum where Cliff wrote that the headphone amp in the Axe Fx is not suited for too low impedance headphones.

If you try a separate headphone amp then connect it to the line out from the back of the Axe. Try different amps too and different headphones.

Many salesmen have unfortunately no idea what they are selling.
Trust you own ears!

Report back please.

Ps. Check HeadRoom: Headphones: Full-Size, In-Ear, Wireless, Noise Cancelling, Headsets where you can write and ask for advice regarding a proper amp for your headphones, and requirements for correct amplification.

I just checked out headphone.com and they sell one Beyerdynamic headphone amp and it's $850? I'll keep looking. :)

I do think the headphone amp is the solution for me so thanks for the help & input guys.
I just checked headphone.com and they sell one Beyerdynamic headphone amp and it's $850? I'll keep looking. :)

I do think the headphone amp is the solution for me so thanks for the help &gotten guys.

What version of the DT880 do you have? The 32, 250 or the 600 ohm version?

I cannot really recommend this amp "Schiit Magni"

Schiit Audio, Headphone amps and DACs made in USA.

Because I've not tried it myself but I think I will buy it in an immediate future when I have a job, so it can amplify the Audeze LCD2 I am also going to hopefully buy.

The Schiit Magni, yeah funny name has gotten raving reviews and its only 99$.
Check this page too!

Schiit Modi & Magni | The Ear

Where your DT880 , the 600 ohm version is used with the Schiit Magni!
Better headphones? Once again... I tweak my patches on Beyerdynamic DT880 Pros and no problems with my patches ever.
What version of the DT880 do you have? The 32, 250 or the 600 ohm version?

I cannot really recommend this amp "Schiit Magni"

Schiit Audio, Headphone amps and DACs made in USA.

Because I've not tried it myself but I think I will buy it in an immediate future when I have a job, so it can amplify the Audeze LCD2 I am also going to hopefully buy.

The Schiit Magni, yeah funny name has gotten raving reviews and its only 99$.
Check this page too!

Schiit Modi & Magni | The Ear

Where your DT880 , the 600 ohm version is used with the Schiit Magni!

I have the DT 880 250 ohm version and spent some time last night re-addressing how they sound/work with my Axe Fx II. I increased the main output levels a bit in the amp and cab block, all worked quite well and I was happy with the volume levels and the output knob on the front of the Axe is a bit over half way up. I know do not believe I need a headphone amp unless I am looking to keep the amp and cab blocks lower in the AXE and find the need for more volume in the phones.

Side Topic:
I am now trying to find out what I need to do to hear the output on my laptop through the phones when plugged into the Axe FX so I can play along to tracks etc. I have a M Audio Fast Track Pro, Mac Book Pro. I will be spending some time figuring it out tonight but I can't quickly wrap my head around how I need to hook things up to make this happen. Any quick suggestions are appreciated.
Side Topic:
I am now trying to find out what I need to do to hear the output on my laptop through the phones when plugged into the Axe FX so I can play along to tracks etc. I have a M Audio Fast Track Pro, Mac Book Pro. I will be spending some time figuring it out tonight but I can't quickly wrap my head around how I need to hook things up to make this happen. Any quick suggestions are appreciated.

I can't help in regards to the M Audio Fast Track, but if you just plug a USB cord from the Axe to the laptop and make sure you have the Axe Fx Driver installed and selected as your device for audio playback I would think you'd be good to go.
I have the DT 880 250 ohm version and spent some time last night re-addressing how they sound/work with my Axe Fx II. I increased the main output levels a bit in the amp and cab block, all worked quite well and I was happy with the volume levels and the output knob on the front of the Axe is a bit over half way up. I know do not believe I need a headphone amp unless I am looking to keep the amp and cab blocks lower in the AXE and find the need for more volume in the phones.

Side Topic:
I am now trying to find out what I need to do to hear the output on my laptop through the phones when plugged into the Axe FX so I can play along to tracks etc. I have a M Audio Fast Track Pro, Mac Book Pro. I will be spending some time figuring it out tonight but I can't quickly wrap my head around how I need to hook things up to make this happen. Any quick suggestions are appreciated.

If you connect the AXE to the Mac with USB, and run any kind of DAW session, you can drop any song into the session, play the song inside the DAW session, and also designate a track in the DAW for the Axe FX.

Your headphones would then be plugged into the MAC, and not into the Axe FX.
If you connect the AXE to the Mac with USB, and run any kind of DAW session, you can drop any song into the session, play the song inside the DAW session, and also designate a track in the DAW for the Axe FX.

Your headphones would then be plugged into the MAC, and not into the Axe FX.

Ok - that makes sense. I was wondering if that's what was going to be necessary. So I HAVE to run the tune thru my DAW (Pro Tools in this case) or if it can be done another way. Had headphones direct to Axe FX last night and was finding some nice Floyd/Gilmour backing tracks on YouTube and wanted to figure a way to hear both Axe and Mac w/o having to drop into a DAW and plug into Mac headphone jack.
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