Headphone routing question

Austin J

New Member
Apologies in advance for a beginner question, but I'm trying to understand the right way to handle this situation without having to make edits each time:

1. When playing out, I use a poweramp & cab, and therefore don't want cab sim enabled in the unit.
2. Practicing at home is via headphones, and therefore needs cab sim.
3. If at all possible, want to use same setup for #1 and #2 so don't have to duplicate work when changing presets.

What's the best way to accomplish this "simply"?
There's no need to change anything in your presets:

Setup -> Global Settings -> Config -> Cabinet Modeling -> Active/Bypassed
As a global setting, wouldn't this affect both his main outputs and headphone output? He wants them set differently, unless I'm misunderstanding something?
Apologies in advance for a beginner question, but I'm trying to understand the right way to handle this situation without having to make edits each time:

1. When playing out, I use a poweramp & cab, and therefore don't want cab sim enabled in the unit.
2. Practicing at home is via headphones, and therefore needs cab sim.
3. If at all possible, want to use same setup for #1 and #2 so don't have to duplicate work when changing presets.

What's the best way to accomplish this "simply"?

You can have your preset routed to have an out1 and out2 block

Put the cab block at the end of your signal path going to Out1 (Headphones)
Shunt off -before- the cab block going to Out 2 which goes to your power amp and Cab.

You can also use out3 for your power amp and cabinet instead if it only takes Quarter inch Inputs.
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