Havin' trouble to smooth out the high end of Dynacabs - Can you suggest settings?

Hi guys,
it's been months of experimenting with DynaCabs.
My personal main issue is that live I use an IEM, Shure 535, that I need for both listening to me properly and to protect my ears since I've tinnitus on both ears.
I've tried many things suggested by the mighty Leon Todd to smooth out stuff: of course I've tried many positioning, mic comb, pan left/righ slightly, reverb, room, compression parameters and what not in the AMP block, SIC on the speaker block, I've a cut on 80Hz and on 5000Hz "plini-style"... but in the end: the sound live is not bad (I've got both the PA and RedSound Elis)... the sound in my ears is always too rich in highs and it's no a problem alone. Live it gets to a point were I simply have an un-ispiring tone expecially on leads. It's super thin, squishy and it's so thin that's hard to play and control dynamics.
My aim is to have a tone with a lot of attack and sustain but no fizz, something you ear frequently expecially from Plini, Jack Gardinier & co.

My debugging/learned includes: lowered the input level of guitars because of clipping, checked all signal levels, tried so many combinations, trying shifting the phase of cabs as LT suggested and much more I can't remember right now...

As test: tonight I'm going to play live and use the LT TV Mix 7 by Leon Todd as test to have a different reference but, testing the IEM at home, I can clearly hear that the top end on leads has its sustain, it's rich, it's clear, bright but thicker on the higher register and way less fizzy than mine.
The problematic experiments were done with Recto 4x12 straight, LT uses a Greenback cab I know, but the Dynacab I took is the one from Chirs Baseford's Gift of Tone.
That said I still find the same characteristics of Leon Todd's cab on, for example, other Gift Of Tone's that do not use the Dynacab (For example Aaron Marshall).
Amp of reference is Mesa MK4, which tends to have some "squeal" in the highs, but I'd like to preserve some of that tone because I love how liquid it can get (Petrucci style) in the high end. I've tried many many many overedrive combinations, now I'm sticking mostly on the CC boost in the amp block to mimic LT and trying to have less variables to confront what I've done with what pro Fractal users do.

I already wrote a lot but the question is:
if I wanna mimic that top end, since the IR LT and AM use are already engineered, how should I approach Dynacab?
Out of phase, cut the frequencies of single cab, consider buying a cab pack with both SM57 off axis and other microphones that may have been used to make their IR...

My reference at home are:
Tannoys 402, old ones, the Shure 535 to test with the XVIVE U4 wireless and the Beyerdynamic DT770 pro

Sorry for the long rant, I hope it was detailed enough to understand what I'm looking for :)
Maybe the answer is just "throw the Shure in the garbage can", which I could do.. but it's still 400+€ IEM which is not that cheap of an investment (count the fractal, cables, wireless system, shure wireless for guitars, etc etc)

Attaching the preset as reference.
Mesa CAB from Gift of Tone would be in channel C of Cab Block (A now is for all scenes)
This is my Input Levels on setup, which I need for my guitars (Kiesel) not to clip:


  • Cliff'd Mesa MK4.syx
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I boost the Mids with the three Band EQ in the Channel Strip Emulation in the Cab Block. Also be sure that the Cab Block Air Filter is not in use.
How is the Sound with your DT770 compared to the Shure IE?
DT770 is much more pleasing and realistic to what I expect and have from my monitors.
Notes are thicker etc, as desired, but I've never tried those at reharsals. I think the enviromental sounds play a role in what I perceive... the Shure's have a pretty good isolation.. that's why I'd like to see if I can have the results with those.

NO AIR on the cab, I tried and I don't like it.. too much "zzz"
I'll check out the channel strip stuff, never tried! Thank you!

I'm making a couple of tests more since I've the chance to make a few live shows, but if it doesn't work I'm considering going out with over head headphones... linking park style :D
I much prefer the LT TV Mix cabs to Dyna cabs. At some point, why fight it?
I tried live but the results are almost the same.. so I guess it's the Shure 535...
I'm going to try with another pair and, if the weather allows it, I'll be playing live this Saturday. Then I'll try the over head Beyerdynamic to see what's their behaviour. I hope to find a solution without having to think to pass the 1000€ mark for an IEM... :(
I tried live but the results are almost the same.. so I guess it's the Shure 535...
I'm going to try with another pair and, if the weather allows it, I'll be playing live this Saturday. Then I'll try the over head Beyerdynamic to see what's their behaviour. I hope to find a solution without having to think to pass the 1000€ mark for an IEM... :(
How do you set your iem live?

I use exclusively iem live and no matter the model (I had 535 but never had high end models) I always add a severe cut at 8khz in my personal ear mix (x32 rack).

I just hate in ears, I really hate it. And cutting this way makes it less painful and avoid a lot of ear fatigue
my cab block is cut 80hz and below, 5000hz and above.
I don't cut my in ears from the AUX, should I try it anyways as added measure? What I hear from others is perfectly fine, it's just my instrument that's painful.
I might have discovered one thing after many trials: yesterday I've tried a lot of swap of headphones (Shure and Beyerdynamics) back and forth.
I think it's the wireless system that's crouching the highs... I've tried changing the transmission channel and it seems that a different channel leads to way less "compression". Is that even a thing?
I use the Xvive U4... maybe it's too cheap? I see also bigs in the music industry using it :/
maybe a different angle is it definitely the highs that are an issue ?
given a high cut at 5khz, is it maybe piercing mids that are perhaps the issue (2.5-4k range say) with a particular cab this can be pushed even more

nothing wrong with your setup otherwise, the 535s are pretty decent, i used a set of 425s until upgrading to a 3way custom molded set, our bassist still runs the 535s , the xVive u4 shouldn't be affecting the tone too much but i guess you could do an A/B test between that and a cable straight in to see

i run my guitar flat to our ears from our mixer, on other instruments, 80hz low cut, 8khz hi-cut, it's what FOH is getting as well, translates really well to our IEMs (we're playing Metal i'll add)

nothing wrong with using IRs etc.. instead of dyna-cabs, we have options for a reason =)
Worth considering... I'll be testing even more :) I'm trying to move away from Precision Drive or CC boost in the Drive/Amp respectively since I feel I'm getting too much highs... I like that creamyness in my monitors, but in the in ear is harsh... so trying the TS8 with Aaron Marshall settings and see if it helps smooth out...
my cab block is cut 80hz and below, 5000hz and above.
I don't cut my in ears from the AUX, should I try it anyways as added measure? What I hear from others is perfectly fine, it's just my instrument that's painful.
I might have discovered one thing after many trials: yesterday I've tried a lot of swap of headphones (Shure and Beyerdynamics) back and forth.
I think it's the wireless system that's crouching the highs... I've tried changing the transmission channel and it seems that a different channel leads to way less "compression". Is that even a thing?
I use the Xvive U4... maybe it's too cheap? I see also bigs in the music industry using it :/
Try an instrument cable to determine if the wireless is the culprit. Regardless, you can use a PEQ block to find the frequencies that are giving you problems. In the PEQ block, set the high Frequency 4 'Q4' to 10.00 and sweep the upper range while playing to find the offending frequencies.

Once you find which frequencies need to be notched, use the EQ in the OUT blocks to adjust.
Try an instrument cable to determine if the wireless is the culprit. Regardless, you can use a PEQ block to find the frequencies that are giving you problems. In the PEQ block, set the high Frequency 4 'Q4' to 10.00 and sweep the upper range while playing to find the offending frequencies.

Once you find which frequencies need to be notched, use the EQ in the OUT blocks to adjust.
Thanks a lot! Will try!
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