Has anyone tried the new Mackie HD powered FRFRs yet?

i know tosin and bulb used the 1531 for a while. i think they had some issues with them blowing up
I'm definitely interested in checking out the HD1221. I've heard great things about the newer HD1531s for metal, so I'm thinking the HD1221s would be great too, albeit a smaller more portable package.
i know tosin and bulb used the 1531 for a while. i think they had some issues with them blowing up

I remember when these first came out seems a lot of people (DJ's) were having issues with the amps thermaling in warmer climates. I don't know if this has been resolved yet but I would be cautious. The QSC offering's K/KW series have a better reputation for reliability.
thanks for the word of caution. The JBL PRX612M is also on my radar. 18mm Poplar cabinet. Crown amp.
Lution, how are you finding the RCF 312A ? I'm trying one out at the moment and would be interested to hear another opinion.
Moltisanti, sorry for the delayed response. I like my 312A. It feels pretty accurate to my ears. I'm just looking to see if I'm missing out on any other solutions out there, particularly the ones with wood cabs.
cool, i tried one for a couple of days (my band uses them as vocal PA) and after a bit of global eq-ing and mic selections on the cab sims i got a sound that was very close to my cab, albeit a little more hi-fi sounding. They are super portable too and loud!
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