Hard core tube user


I've posted this previously before. But after spending 30 plus years using various tube amps Today I spent 8 or more hours jamming on my axe I'm totally blown away. I was so against modeling amps . Effects, speakers.... Holy shitballs I'm blown
Away. I ab my Marshall's, vox, , Morgan , blah blah blab
. I'm so gay with this little rack unit. Believe me you I was 120% against these units. Sold my 65 vox, and my Marshall soon. Unbelievable. Wtf
Welcome to the world of the real! Where digital and analog are indistinguishable. I was the same as you. I'm now getting the best tones ever. Some of the best tones you've heard in records can be bettered and customised to your hearts content. This stuff is amazing. Enjoy !
I've posted this previously before. But after spending 30 plus years using various tube amps Today I spent 8 or more hours jamming on my axe I'm totally blown away. I was so against modeling amps . Effects, speakers.... Holy shitballs I'm blown
Away. I ab my Marshall's, vox, , Morgan , blah blah blab
. I'm so gay with this little rack unit. Believe me you I was 120% against these units. Sold my 65 vox, and my Marshall soon. Unbelievable. Wtf

Dito that...tried all significant modelers on the market and they all had more or less hair in the soup, light years between them and the Axe. Just wish I had one 40 years ago.
Yep, me too. Two years ago I owned 36 vintage tube amps. Since I got the Axe and convinced myself of all that it could do, I have been slowly releasing some of them back into the wild. I may never get down to none (tube amps are still cool), but I have not been feeling any pangs of loss as I have seen some of them go out the door.
I've posted this previously before. But after spending 30 plus years using various tube amps Today I spent 8 or more hours jamming on my axe I'm totally blown away. I was so against modeling amps . Effects, speakers.... Holy shitballs I'm blown
Away. I ab my Marshall's, vox, , Morgan , blah blah blab
. I'm so gay with this little rack unit. Believe me you I was 120% against these units. Sold my 65 vox, and my Marshall soon. Unbelievable. Wtf

8 hours jamming in 1 day?? I'm a little envious......! :)

Do you jam with a specific sound, or pretty much mess around with everything? And is this direct or through your own cab setup?
as far as i love my Axe Fx II XL, i would never sell my tube amp, its already paid and can be really usefull
I was a real Marshall JMP 1987 homo ... BIG TIME!... with all the vintage cabs, pedals and Strats too boot. All I have left, (aside from my Strats) are a few vintage pedals. Since my Axe Ultra acquisition then Axe II and now the XL... Never a moment of regret. :D
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