

Power User
So I spend almost every morning and evening jamming to backing tracks on

Well this morning I try to go there and it brings up this "related searches" type page. It brings it up whether I try to go to my bookmarked pages for specific songs or copy and paste into my browser.

The odd thing though is that if I VPN into work, which brings me into a Greensboro NC network, I can see the site fine.

I know a bunch of you here use that site.

Is the site still working for you?

That sucks. I can't hit it from any computer in my house and my neighbor who plays guitar can't hit it either.

Must be something with the network in our area.
Got it back working

I went to my work system over VPN, pinged it to get the IP address

Cleared my browser
cleared cached content
put the ip in directly and it got me there.

Something wacky with DNS lookup I assume. Until I cleared the cached content the IP address was still bringing me to that related searches stuff
Sounds like maybe a browser hijacker. Run a sweep with Malwarebytes or something similar. You may have a bug.
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