Guitar Vocals and Looper Pedal Routing

I am wanting to set up a parrallel chain for vocals (reverb and delay) and one for guitar. I would do this the regular way of plugging in the guitar into the front input and mic into the input two at the back but I need input two for the effects return for my looper pedal.

I am guessing the other option would be to plug gutar into left input and vocals into the right but does this mean I am unable to use the front input or can I plug the guitar into the front and plug the vocals into input 1 right so the front input will act as input 1 left?

If the only way is to plug them both in the back will I be loosing out on tone not using the front input?

Is there any other ways of doing this?

I hope that made sence :)
Apologies I just rechecked the wiki and found out I can use the front input and input 1 right -- at the same time.

Is this the best way to use the looper pedal since I want to be able to keep a loop of a clean guitar sound and then add distorted over it.
Sounds logical to me... I've hooked up my Axe to a mic (input 1 rear right) and a keyboard (stereo input 2) in addition to my guitar (input 1 front) in pretty much the same way. Please don't ask me to remember the routing... I know I confused myself multiple times when trying to figure it out.
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