Guitar amp head directly into powered loudspeakers, a thing now?


I've seen pairings of a Peavy 6505 guitar amp head with a pair of Peavey Aquarius AQ powered loudspeakers. Doesn't this amp head "color the sound", unless it has the option switch to "bypass" it?

Is this an "FRFR" setting then? I'm sort of new to the FRFR market so I bought an ISP Technologies Vector FS8 a few years ago but I think I could have made a better purchase. No buyer's remorse here as I'm willing to try different set ups. I'm also looking into what a solid state amp vs. a tube amp set up is compatible with or for what purpose/situation. I've never owned a tube amp. To be honest I don't get why tube amps' wattage are much lower than solid state or combo amps.

I wanted a versatile gear setup and what I have currently as far as "pedals" is the Boss SY-300 guitar synthesizer pedal, and various single effect pedals that could be on a pedal board. Is a pair of powered loudspeakers the most versatile option in general?
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6505 has a speaker simulated direct XLR out for plugging directly into a PA mixer, or you could plug it directly into a powered speaker. Its designed to negate the need for a mic on the speaker cabinet connected to the amp or recording without the amp volume in the room.

FRFR means flat response full range, A speaker that doesn't color what's fed into it, in general a PA type speaker with a low frequency driver and a high frequency tweeter. Most modelers can be used two ways, direct into a PA mixing console, DAW or FRFR speaker where the modeler simulates power amp and speaker or into a tube or solid state power amp then into a regular guitar speaker. Guitar speakers generally operate in the 70Hz to 5000Khz frequency range and FRFR speakers operate between 20Hz and 20,000Khz.

Powered PA type speakers or studio monitors would naturally be the most versatile because you can play any music through it as well as a guitar modeler. I don't know the Boss SY-300 by the looks of it it simulates an amp and cabinet.

Fractals modelers FM3, FM9 and AXE FX all simulate a amps power amp and speaker cabinet for use with FRFR however you can turn off power amp modeling and speaker simulation and run them into a power amp and real guitar speaker.
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I couldn't tell much difference if a guitar is played through a "simulated" amp vs. anything else. My ISP Technologies Vector FS8 has a switch that can turn it to full range or guitar cab. Very subtle difference. Could barely notice a difference.
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