Got a Verve 12MA Today - Need to be Broken In?



I finally got a 12MA and tried it out today. Sounded great, but it had a just a litte "glassy" attack. It might be my presets, but have any of you 12MA owners, or other FRFR users for that matter, noticed any change in the speaker sound after some use - just like traditional guitar speakers need to be broken in? How have yours changed with some time/playing?

Mine seems to have mellowed since June. Or perhaps I adjusted my tone dialing habits. I know I like it more all the time. And it's loud as sin if I crank it. Really fracking LOUD. Or maybe I'm getting old. :eek:
backwordsman13 said:
I would expect so, if it is brand new. I am thinking about getting one in the near future. Is it plenty loud for you?

My focus yesterday was on the tone and adjusting presets, so I did not really crank it. I expect it to be more than loud enough though as its going to placed in front, pointing upward. My conclusion is to get another one to run stereo. Did a small stereo test in combination with my Marshall Class 5 (loud little sucker) and was surrounded in sound - really, really nice.
if you go onto any audiophile site,they all say the same,play them loud for something like a 30hr. period. :shock: not really feasible at home.just play them loud and proud,they will break in. ;)
You can accelerate the process if you put a fm tuner at the input and dial in the hiss/noise between two radio stations.

Some years ago I heard this tip from an audiophile.
I just got one and it sounds fantastic. I had to dial out a little bit of top end on my presets but I found it much easier to get great sounding presets that translated to our PA as well. I am coming from using either QSC HP122i or RCF310a, the verve takes things to a new level!
xpenno said:
I just got one and it sounds fantastic. I had to dial out a little bit of top end on my presets but I found it much easier to get great sounding presets that translated to our PA as well. I am coming from using either QSC HP122i or RCF310a, the verve takes things to a new level!

How would you describe it compared to the QSC HP122i?

A different world. It's loads better.

I was thinking about doing a post of my thoughts which I'll do when I finish work.

xpenno said:

A different world. It's loads better.

I was thinking about doing a post of my thoughts which I'll do when I finish work.


Very cool. Looking forward to it.

My goal is to get something that will let me hear what's coming out of FOH. Not to get something that sounds like a guitar cab on stage with me. That's all good but not what I want.

I think the QSC is close with some drawbacks. Interested in hearing your take.
North said:
backwordsman13 said:
I would expect so, if it is brand new. I am thinking about getting one in the near future. Is it plenty loud for you?

My focus yesterday was on the tone and adjusting presets, so I did not really crank it. I expect it to be more than loud enough though as its going to placed in front, pointing upward. My conclusion is to get another one to run stereo. Did a small stereo test in combination with my Marshall Class 5 (loud little sucker) and was surrounded in sound - really, really nice.

Awesome, I would want to have two eventually. Where did you order yours from?
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