Gorgeous Twin Reverb sound

Hi everybody,

I am now to my office and wait for this evening (and week-end) to test all your patches.
I find very nice the way you modify and share my Twin Resarch patch and give you big thanks.
About Merlin's corrective EQ for the Verve 12 ma, if I'm right, I put the sysex patch in a cab block and this block goes at the end of the chain (after delay - reverb) on Axe Edit, so the preset has now two cab blocks ?
May be could someone include Merlin's correction in the patch so I understand better how it works ?
Thanks to all of you for help me.

Fred, yes, that's the way to use my corrective EQ IR. If you're using one output to your FBT and another to the PA then make sure you route the corrective cab block to the FBT only!
BTW: You will HATE the sound with the corrective EQ at first, because it changes the sound quite drastically (because the FBT on its own is that far off), you HAVE TO START YOUR PATCHES FROM SCRATCH, sorry to say.
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Hi Guys,

I tweaked a lot last week-end with Merlin's IR and your patches.I have to tweak still a lot, but It gaves good results and I think I am on the right way.
I send special thanks to all of you for your help and advices; thanks to Fractal Audio.
BTW: with my last Ultra , we had the patch "liquid chorus",it disapears on Axe II, would it be possible to get this patch again for the Axe II ?
Big thanks.
Fred, yes, that's the way to use my corrective EQ IR. If you're using one output to your FBT and another to the PA then make sure you route the corrective cab block to the FBT only!
BTW: You will HATE the sound with the corrective EQ at first, because it changes the sound quite drastically (because the FBT on its own is that far off), you HAVE TO START YOUR PATCHES FROM SCRATCH, sorry to say.

Hi Merlin,

I have no idea how to split the signal: output one goes to Verve FBT 12 ma and the SPDIF output goes to PC soundcard to record. The recorded sound is pretty good through my Yamaha monitors. How can I use your corrective IR without changing the SPDIF signal for recording ?
The signal should be splited but I don't know how to do.
Perhaps could you show me on Axe Edit screen copy how to do that ?
Thanks Merlin.

In the I/O menu dial USB/Digi Source to Out2, make sure Copy Out1->Out2 is not active.
In the grid route the last block before the corrective cab block (which should be last) to the FX loop block - that must not be in the last vertical row, so make room for that if there isn't already.

That should be it.
In the I/O menu dial USB/Digi Source to Out2, make sure Copy Out1->Out2 is not active.
In the grid route the last block before the corrective cab block (which should be last) to the FX loop block - that must not be in the last vertical row, so make room for that if there isn't already.

That should be it.

Thanks Merlin for your answer, I understand all that you said until FX loop block which I never used, do you have a patch using that FX block to join, so I can copy the rules after seing that with Axe Edit ?
Vielen Dank.

Sorry, I haven't used Axe-Edit for a while and I'm not near my AXE at the moment.
Try it like this:

-your chain of blocks-FX loop block-corrective cab block-connect to end of grid

I'm not 100% sure whether the FX loop lets the signal through but I think it does, so this setup should work.
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