Goodbye, & thanks for all the fish.....

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The time has come for me to bid adieu to the Ultra FX.
There have been many aspects of the unit I've thoroughly enjoyed & it's been an occasionally wonderful, educational & exciting journey.

The FX are amongst the best I've heard in a rack mount device, the easy ordering & re-ordering of them is a delight, the A/D/A's sound fabulous, the output level is truly Professional, the list of amp, drive & speakers/IR's is exhasutive & exhasuting! I feel that the unit may (and I mean may) have a bright future.

Some of you are aware that I've been in this business for a very long time, for more years than many here have been on the planet, & I know for certain that some users have bought units solely on my recommendations, having not seen one "in the flesh"; by only trusting in my advise. I therefore feel a certain obligation to them & it is this obligation & sense of responsibility that mainly drives what I now write.

It may be suggested that I am alone in these feelings, but that would be wrong.

First & foremost is the unique (in my experience) attitude of Fractal Audio towards the people who actually pay their bills & CONTINUE TO ALLOW THEM to operate – that'd be us, folks. If RME, for example, engaged in similar behaviour, they would have gone out of business years ago. There are & will probably always be businesses that thrive irrespective of their condescending attitudes, but is this really necessary? To some Ultra owners this is not an issue. Ah then, I might rhetorically ask, what sort of world are we building?

The Religious-Zealot-like little acceptance of differences of opinion etc, unless which it's about which amp is "perfect" (and please tell us when will it be updated to be "better"?......), is of minor concern to me, but the derision that others are currently receiving from Fractal "support" is in-tolerable. Warning! Do not plug your car battery into the front of the Ultra! It sounds to us like you have done this!! We're certain you've done this! Our product is faultless! It can never be our fault! You are an idiot! I cannot abide by this. To assume that just because "they" have never heard of "us" mere mortals, being not famous, in no way justifies the assumption that these people are morons.
And having met &/or played with many "famous" players, it seems to me that the reality is quite the opposite, but that's a story for another time.

So much baseless abuse gets hurled around, almost always descending into barely double-digit IQ contempt, from users but most dis-appointingly also from Fractal, & the bottom line from the Great God Cliff is always the same: "It's my sandbox & if you don't like it, leave".
And so leave I will. No great loss to Fractal. And with me, I will take my support for the unit. Now, let's put that into perspective, because I have no illusions on this. This means, in reality, a direct loss of one or two dozen sales for Fractal over the next year or so, indirectly maybe a few times that. Not much by global standards. The direct financial loss to Fractal known only to them. Are Cliff & His staff just as rude to those who sell truckloads of albums & play stadiums? Probably not, methinks. I expect I will receive "who cares if you leave & move on?" &, if my past experience on this Forum is anything to go by, worse abusive emails, but my point is that the attitude is endemic, & unless Fractal address their end of it, no matter how good the product, this nastiness & contempt for their customers may well eventually be returned to them & be reflected in their Northern Hemisphere sales. And then maybethat will mean something to them – who knows? There are already Social Network posts with not-unfounded criticisms of Fractal management & support. A small thing, but one that has the potential to spread.

When guitar players contact me in the future, as they will, I will have to tell them the truth about my experiences & sadly those of the people I advised to purchase an Ultra – all aspects – the good and the bad.

On to greener, less troublesome & more pleasant pastures,
Could you please elaborate what happened,
was it something in forum or?
I purchased my Ultra from G66 so I never had to contact Fractal support directly
tho I have read many positive comments on their support in forum here.
Umm, ok then. Thanks for sharing your feelings, though I don't have a clue what you are talking about. You plugged your car battery into your Axe-FX? (scratches head). Sorry man, I'm lost.
Another who has no idea what yer talking about. Sorry it came to this, the gear is worth using even if what you said is true, as long as the unit still works properly....

It's like putting up with a great lead singer with bad attitude. I will do it.
Scott Peterson said:
Umm, ok then. Thanks for sharing your feelings, though I don't have a clue what you are talking about. You plugged your car battery into your Axe-FX? (scratches head). Sorry man, I'm lost.

I think you have to be bald to understand....................Oh wait.

First & foremost is the unique (in my experience) attitude of Fractal Audio towards the people who actually pay their bills & CONTINUE TO ALLOW THEM to operate – that'd be us, folks.

The unique attitude... the one that brings free firmware updates to those that bought the product? The one where they listen to their customers and incorporate feature request in the firmware updates that are free of charge? The one where they work on bringing new products to market (Atomic FRFR and MFC-101)?

Or are you referring to the self-entitled @$$holes who have bought the product and make unrealistic demands on time and resources or stupid feature requests and then are unhappy because Fractal somehow failed to live up to their unrealistic expectations?

Look when you buy the product, you buy the product as is with no expectation of firmware update or anything. That is all Fractal has to offer. They have a history of going above and beyond with their customer service... they have given more than an inch... and over the years some customers think that entitles them to take miles.

I think if anything whatever you are speaking of is those disgruntled customers.

And the forum community here is by and large very helpful. Those that ask nice, get a nice response. People coming with attitude tend to get the same back. Its the same, more or less, with other forums and I think this is one of the better ones in terms of "community."

If you don't want to be here that's your decision. Remember to delete your ID on the way out. If you are going to go, go all the way.
This user had constant problems updating his firmware. Several of his old posts praise Fractal's responsiveness to his problems, but I guess the fact that his hardware/OS combination didn't like the Axe was too much for him in the long run. Problem there is that firmware updates are free and optional.

Some combinations of equipment just don't work. I had to buy a new midi interface when I installed Windows 7. I had to buy a new MOTU PCI card when I changed motherboards. I've lost count of the compatibility problems I've had with computer-based gear over the years. Blaming Fractal for compatibillity problems is just plain silly. My Uno works perfectly for me, even though it is one of the most reported problem devices for firmware updates.

He also lives in Australia. He and some other users there (at least one!) think Fractal takes too long to provide replacement parts or repair service. Geography matters. Perhaps he should stick with modeling products made a bit closer to home, or by large corporations with international distrubution and support.

I am completely satisfied with Fractal support. The most important thing I learned about customer service is that you can't please everyone, even if you bend over backwards until you break. Even the best product or service will have its detractors. So be it.
steadystate said:
This user had constant problems updating his firmware. Several of his old posts praise Fractal's responsiveness to his problems, but I guess the fact that his hardware/OS combination didn't like the Axe was too much for him in the long run. Problem there is that firmware updates are free and optional.

Some combinations of equipment just don't work. I had to buy a new midi interface when I installed Windows 7. I had to buy a new MOTU PCI card when I changed motherboards. I've lost count of the compatibility problems I've had with computer-based gear over the years. Blaming Fractal for compatibillity problems is just plain silly. My Uno works perfectly for me, even though it is one of the most reported problem devices for firmware updates.

He also lives in Australia. He and some other users there (at least one!) think Fractal takes too long to provide replacement parts or repair service. Geography matters. Perhaps he should stick with modeling products made a bit closer to home, or by large corporations with international distrubution and support.

I am completely satisfied with Fractal support. The most important thing I learned about customer service is that you can't please everyone, even if you bend over backwards until you break. Even the best product or service will have its detractors. So be it.

Ok, I feel his pain, thanks for the backstory. My Uno works too, but if it didn't I'd be prepared to replace it for such an awesome product (Fractal's).
The more I think about this the more that it makes me laugh a little bit.

There's a huge difference between a company providing a resolution to a problem that works and someone smiling nicely and saying "I understand your concerns" and not getting you anywhere closer to having the problem fixed after getting 27 notification emails telling me that someone will get back to me for my case within the next 24 hours to only have a form letter with stupid things like "is it turned on?"
shasha said:
The more I think about this the more that it makes me laugh a little bit.

There's a huge difference between a company providing a resolution to a problem that works and someone smiling nicely and saying "I understand your concerns" and not getting you anywhere closer to having the problem fixed after getting 27 notification emails telling me that someone will get back to me for my case within the next 24 hours to only have a form letter with stupid things like "is it turned on?"

I agree. And which of those types do you think Fractal is?
I think we can all understand that sending parts to Australia will take a while. I think we can all also understand how frustrating an incompatibility problem can be. Having said that it sounds to me like the OP is not talking about that as much as Cliff's sometimes hostile tone on this forum. It's certainly not all the time and just as often his posts are funny or complimentary but every once in a while you see a comment that seems like it came before the first cup of coffee in the morning. Sometimes it seems like it's the result of using as few words as possible which leaves answers seeming a bit cold (which I fully understand given how busy a guy he is) but on occasion it seems like its' just plain rudeness. I have been around some brilliant people in my time (and Cliff certainly seems like a brilliant man) and the one thing they almost always have in common is an amazing drive to complete a particular goal or goals. That dedication to achieving the goal can push some other things to the side (like family, civility, compassion, humor, humility) from time to time. I know it's that drive that allows one person to achieve so much so I am willing to accept the occasional bad as part of the package; if the OP cannot I can respect that decision.

I might add that I have had an axe for less than two years. I could understand the situation seeming a bit different for some of you guys that have been around here longer. Not only would you feel more a part of the product (through constant excellent product improvement suggestions) but Cliff's temperament very well may have been different back then. To anybody that jumps all over the OP I suggest pulling up Cliff's profile and trying to objectively read posts from the last year or two.
See if I get this straight...
It sounds like someone on the playground hurt your feelings(ego) and you want to leave the sandbox.
As a parting gift you will no longer recommend the Axe-FX to your friends, so there.
:?: :!: :?: :!:
onebaldbloke said:
And so leave I will. No great loss to Fractal.

This means, in reality, a direct loss of one or two dozen sales for Fractal over the next year or so, indirectly maybe a few times that. Not much by global standards. The direct financial loss to Fractal known only to them.

When guitar players contact me in the future, as they will, I will have to tell them the truth about my experiences & sadly those of the people I advised to purchase an Ultra – all aspects – the good and the bad.

Dude :!: I seriously don't know you from Adam ..., but you've got a pretty high opinion of yourself.

One or Two dozen sales for Fractal over the next year or so :?:

I doubt that very much, it's not like you're Pete Thorn or Mark Day around here ....

Bye !
Sigh. This is a lose-lose. OBB's out an Ultra, and there's really no alternative. His loss. I'm really not clear on how it's anyone's fault but Fractals if using a specific MIDI interface can stuff up the chip in the Axe. Cause the update to fail? Sure. Damage the hardware? Umm...
I can understand what the poster is saying and can even empathise. I'm in a current dilemma with FAS where they have been totally unable to fix or replace my Ultra for easily over 2 months now. Totally unacceptable. So I've had to source another Ultra myself because you literally need 2 of them incase something goes wrong with one of them.
The whole supply and demand issue has been seriously ongoing. The actual hardware hasn't changed for years so FAS should have it sorted by now surely?! And even the MCF101 still isn't available to buy in some countries. Condescending tech support, having to chase issues constantly with no resolve in sight... I no longer recommend the AxeFX to fellow colleagues anymore as I would hate for them to go through what I've been through and am still going through!
I've found the actual people on the forum very helpful and informative so I do enjoy helping others when I can also but like most forums, there's always the narrow-minded fanboys who will fight til the death for their consumer product if anyone has anything negative to say about 'their' product.
I think there's quite a few disgruntled customers who are sitting quiet. Personally I'm sick of it and had enough. Fortunately/unfortunately I do love my 2nd Ultra that IS working and will continue to use them. A bit like what Jerotas said about putting up with a lead singer with an attitude.... except usually I'd kick that sucker out and get a decent person in!! I'm stuck in this sinking? ship for now but would jump ship in an instant if there was another equal product (or better) available. Hell, I even started researching traditional amp and stompboxes again until I found another Ultra to buy!! Now that's saying something :shock:
I am a newbie on this forum for sure, so maybe my take on it is a little different.......the way I see it is that we likely all have nightmare stories of customer support interactions from different situations. I just completed a Pro Tools upgrade and as usual cursed Avid/Digi up and down the whole way. From the customer side, it's frustrating because we all feel like we are on an island with our little issues and it often times seems like no one is listening....while in reality the answer is either right in front of you, or easily found on the tech support pages on the product site. When I am down hard, I would LOVE to have the all knowing product support engineer sitting in a room somewhere staring at the phone waiting for my call....and ONLY my call......with a ready answer so I can get back up and running, but the reality is that this simply doesn't happen. Customer support like that costs money, and the same people who piss and moan that it's hard to get through to product support are the ones who will whine when it costs $499 for a a device that should cost $249 because of the built in cost of support.
That said.....I get the sense that "Cliff's Sandbox" is in some regard exactly that! I don't think he started this thing with the idea that he would become a big player in the game. It sounds like it was more a situation where he was working on something he was interested in, and it kinda snow balled from there. Now he is forced to deal with supply chain issues, manufacturing, quality, customer support, payroll, accounting, etc.... Personally, it seems like the support they provide is actually quite good......the folks from the company have a constant presence on this forum, there are constant firmware upgrades and improvements, (the same cannot be said for most companies), and I think they listen to their customers.
Sure the constant firmware upgrades are great but I'd much rather have spare parts incase something goes wrong with the unit. Makes sense. Priorities.
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