Going to DEMO a verve 12ma...anyone have some good patches?


Okay, I wanted to try one of these suckers and have it set up to meet the guy at my favorite local store next Monday. I plan to bring the AXE, an axe and check the sucker out. I dont have any user cabs, redwirz or whatever-I've been using the rocktron 300 through 2 2x12s.

Are there any stock patches, or does anyone have patches tuned for this config that will sound good without much tweaking? I dont need a ton. A handful of patches that should sound good would be enough to tell if it's going to work for me or not.

For those that use them in this way, can a pair of 12MAs or a 12 and an 8 be enough for band practice? The rocktron is more than enough, so I would assume the verves would cut it, but I dont have any practical FRFR experience.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Going to DEMO a verve 12ma...anyone have some good patch

From hanging around here I can answer your question about volume: Yes, two FBT12s or a 12 and an 8 will be plenty loud.
Re: Going to DEMO a verve 12ma...anyone have some good patch

I was hoping/thinking so. We played a party last weekend and mic'd everything since it was outdoors, not that I like lugging 160pd speakers around. But it's normally plenty loud at practice. Not even turned up half way on the rocktron and less on the far side where the other guitarist uses it as a monitor to hear me.

I figured I will save off the 5 main patches I use and restore the three banks, in the hopes that the default settings will work with most situations, including this one. Then I'll stick my five back in. I have this shiva one I just love. DRV2 for just mild breakup-always on. Then I add a DRV1 by switch for a pretty chunky sound. I could play 80% or more of the gig on this patch and dig it. Just loving this thing, but I want to hear/take adantage of the whole package. Still havent got a wah sound I really like. Might need to check out the latest batch of Yek patches, I think he goes the budda wah and I used to really dig mine.

Thanks for the answer ;)
Re: Going to DEMO a verve 12ma...anyone have some good patch

FWIW, I use two of the verve 12mas and they get plenty loud enough! I run the all pots on the mas at unity (or 0db) and the Axe runs at about 10 O Clock and its rockin! I love those wedges! The singer in my new group is getting two for his Axe also...as well, he will be running his vox through them on stage as well! Bad ass wedges man....you wont regret buying them!

Re: Going to DEMO a verve 12ma...anyone have some good patch

After waiting for over 5 months for a used 12ma to open up for sale, I caved in and ordered a new one. Should be here next week or so. :mrgreen:
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