"Go-To" parameters for fine tuning top end in hi gain tone

I'm finding that I can't quite dial in the top end aspect of my tone to be where I'd like it. I like the feel of the preamp and IR models I'm using, and almost everything about the resulting tone is right where I'd like it. However I can not seem to dial in the amount of presence and treble that I like without introducing harshness and other undesirable qualities.

Just curious as to the hi gain user community's "go-to" parameters for fine tuning the top end of your tone? I've experiemented with all of the parameters at some point, but with the ever evolving firmware and IRs I could use a few starting points before I dive back in to a recalibration of my presets.
Play with a different input impedance setting in the input area (press "layout" and go to "input/gate") page.

Recently, I had a few high gain patches that were just a tiny bit harsh and changing the impedance made a nice difference. It's fairly subtle, but did exactly what I wanted it to do: take away that little bit of harshness, yet still retain highs and bite.
That's interesting...I've never experiemented with the input impedance and just read up a bit on it. I'll give that a try for sure. Thanks
the thing with hi-gain is that you always have this confict of interests...
you need the highs really fried up:
A - to get the gain
B - to get the definition

but you don't want too much fizz cos it don't sound nice..
so it's a balancing act..

to fire everything up you will need to throw a lot of gain at the mids and highs..
boost, sat, bright on [at least one of them, or a combination and in some cases all of them]
drive above 3.5 on a high gain amp like a 5150
treble and presence set high [between 5 and 8]

this will be fizzing like crazy...
so you'll need to tame the highs some

1st port of call is choosing the right cab
one that is gentle with the highs rather than emphasise them

cab: high cut will calm the highs down.. set between 7k and 8k..
any lower than 7k and you'll start killing your definition

if the above is not enough
amp: EQ page, cut the two upper bands by 3dB to 8dB
but try to avoid cutting the 2k and 4k bands cos this is where your definition lives
cut those and you'll vanish in the mix and become a woolly mush in the background

if the cab selection is a good one, you'll have less corrective 'stuff' to do
and like all things EQ related, less is better [so you're not forcing the tone]
the thing with hi-gain is that you always have this confict of interests...
you need the highs really fried up:
A - to get the gain
B - to get the definition

but you don't want too much fizz cos it don't sound nice..
so it's a balancing act..

to fire everything up you will need to throw a lot of gain at the mids and highs..
boost, sat, bright on [at least one of them, or a combination and in some cases all of them]
drive above 3.5 on a high gain amp like a 5150
treble and presence set high [between 5 and 8]

this will be fizzing like crazy...
so you'll need to tame the highs some

1st port of call is choosing the right cab
one that is gentle with the highs rather than emphasise them

cab: high cut will calm the highs down.. set between 7k and 8k..
any lower than 7k and you'll start killing your definition

if the above is not enough
amp: EQ page, cut the two upper bands by 3dB to 8dB
but try to avoid cutting the 2k and 4k bands cos this is where your definition lives
cut those and you'll vanish in the mix and become a woolly mush in the background

if the cab selection is a good one, you'll have less corrective 'stuff' to do
and like all things EQ related, less is better [so you're not forcing the tone]

Many thanks for the solid tips! I think much of my problem will be solved with a high cut in the cab block. Upon running a frequency analysis on my tone last night I found that most of the highs rolled off around 7-8k, but there was a lone spike out in the 10-12k range. I think this can be attributed to the MD421 IR that's a component of my blended IR. Ownhammer v2 mesa v30 blend of MD421 and SM57 with a hint of the 'back of cab'. I'll try some hi cut and other EQ to reduce that peak. Hopefully that should tame the remaining harshness.
I also roll off the highs using the power amp hi cut, or a parametric EQ, where I can choose the Q
A couple other things I do:

In the global EQ, I keep the 8khz band at around -5. I keep the 16khz band all the way down. I find that by doing this I rarely even need to worry about rolling off highs in the cab block or using a PEQ.

Sometimes I'll come across a tone that sounds great but just needs a little more on top to make it cut better in the mix. I increase, presence/treble/etc. but only end up with added harshness. My go-to parameter in this situation is the definition control in the amp block. I rarely raise it more than "1.0". A little goes a long way with this control. Very powerful and useful.
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