Globe EQ


Power User
How does everyone set up there output to the FOH, also I have out 2 going to a Matrix GT1000 into a 4x12 do you set this EQ different because
It's not full range like the fog
Funnily enough I was experimenting with this yesterday. I was adjusting out 1's EQ and taking out some high end originally. Usual connections I run out 1 to FOH or to my monitors at home. And then use out 2 to send to my Boogie 1x12 cab using my Matrix GT1000FX. I started to look at the cab block and adjusted the air setting and now I prefer using the IR I have going to out 1 and using it with my cab that is going to out 2.

I ended up resetting out 1's EQ and it's now set flat and all it sounds good. Out 2 has always been set flat.
I typically have 31 all the way off and 63 about -5. There's no love or money down there for a guitar in a band mix. Also 16k off.
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