Global Waiting List, Now.


1º. Equalize the European waiting list ... and the U.S. waiting list. European waiting list = U.S. waiting list.

2º. After, global waiting list.

3º. Specific deadlines and realistic.

4º. This is a post about the terrible distribution of Axe II, do not move the post to the Lounge.

5º. Cliff, do you think it makes sense that hundreds of Americans to enjoy their Axe II almost v.3 firmware and the European list is still taking orders for Standards and Ultras?

6º. I hope you understand our frustration. Waiting 11 months are too many.
I'm here in sunny Florida enjoying my Axe-Fx II , received with coupon in September. It was a long and difficult 3 month wait.

I feel your pain, but don't disturb Cliff until i get 3.0!!

How selfish of you!! lol
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This should be in the lounge with all the other threads because it's a discussion about the waiting list and NOT the AxeFX-II. We know it sucks, but seriously guys, Cliff's working on it the best he can do. There's a lot of things out of his control. And secondly, if you disapprove of his decisions, let your money do the talking and buy something else.
You have absolutely no right to tell Cliff how to run his business. Sorry for the vitriol, but that is just the way it is.
While this makes sense on its face, none of us know about the behind-the-scenes issues that occur with international distribution. At the end of the day, it's probably much less of a headache for Cliff & Co. to fill the majority of orders in the US first. That's the easiest money in the bank; and that's money that can quickly be put back into the business, produce more units, and eventually spread the Axe-II wealth around the rest of the globe.

Don't get me wrong, if Fractal was based in Europe, and I had to wait such a long time to get one, I'd be quite disgruntled too, perhaps angry. However, I don't think it can realistically be helped.
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@xarkon - You weren't the one who came onto the scene with it.

Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was responding to the OP, not marhazan. No, I didn't invent the Axe FX. Nor do I have any association w/Fractal other than being a satisfied customer. But when someone insists that Fractal MUST DO X OR Y - I just don't support it. Cliff can decide to whom he sells his product. And, alternatively, customers can decide whether or not they buy the Axe, based on availability.
Hmmmmmm.... I am now waiting on a pair of Senn headphones that are readily available at brick and mortar stores in Europe yet not even available in the US online. Hmmmm... I suppose I should call and email Sennheiser with my views on how they should run their business and distrubute their product since they obviously dont meet MY needs.

Or I'll just be patient and wait for them to get here...:lol
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I don't understand- if I was on that list and saw the stark reality that it would be months (years) before I got the unit, I would ask for a refund and get on with life (or a standard or ultra used from eBay etc). Does the OP really think the the whole business plan will now change? Sometimes we have to live without having things we don't have to like it and I'm sure these Eu wait listed guys can get a refund...unless I'm wrong about that....
I don't understand- if I was on that list and saw the stark reality that it would be months (years) before I got the unit, I would ask for a refund and get on with life (or a standard or ultra used from eBay etc). Does the OP really think the the whole business plan will now change? Sometimes we have to live without having things we don't have to like it and I'm sure these Eu wait listed guys can get a refund...unless I'm wrong about that....

... and sorry to state the obvious, but the logical reply would be: " ... unless I'm wrong about that... and they don't want a refund and really want to enjoy their AXE FX II's". I only ordered in August, so I can still wait. And I will wait. But neigh on a year is simply too much, however you spinn it.
there's clearly some pretty frustrated and upset people out there....
this thread has the potential to get nasty....
how about a little sensitivity??
Erm... Whom are you replying to exactly?

not anyone in particular....
just an observation...
and this is a really cool forum full of really cool guys...
I've seen threads like this in some places degenerate quite quickly..
and if this one does it'll be a real shame..
this should be moved to the lounge because it's about the waiting list and not the axe 2 !!!!!
While this makes sense on its face, none of us know about the behind-the-scenes issues that occur with international distribution. At the end of the day, it's probably much less of a headache for Cliff & Co. to fill the majority of orders in the US first. That's the easiest money in the bank; and that's money that can quickly be put back into the business, produce more units, and eventually spread the Axe-II wealth around the rest of the globe.
Don't get me wrong, if Fractal was based in Europe, and I had to wait such a long time to get one, I'd be quite disgruntled too, perhaps angry. However, I don't think it can realistically be helped.

Mhhh... I agree with the fact that things are destined to go on like this for a while, fact being that demand is extremely higher than supply worldwide.

I remember an answer by Mr. Chase some months ago, where he wrote that the ratio between USA- and Europe-addressed units had been defined by the demand ratio of the early times. I believe this ratio is quite different now that the word has spread tho.

True, (potential) customers have only one way to make their opinions heard: deciding where to spend their money. While this is an effective behaviour when talking of sellers (I want a Panasonic monitor and I choose the store where I feel better buying) tho, it doesn't apply to a produces, specially when the product they sell is of its own kind and has no competitors.

There was a very important luthier in my native region, De Bonis; people from all over the world had to wait 3-5 years for getting a classic guitar of his.
Good news for the Europeans! A shipment has arrived... and another is on the way...



I found these on the Axe-FX meme thread on TGP. I couldn't stop laughing to the point that I was in tears and my wife couldn't understand why. And the more I tried to explain it to her the more I laughed my @$$ off. Axe-FX Meme Thread - Page 2 - The Gear Page


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