Global Volume Pedal Question


New Member
Hi All,

I was hoping for some help in adjusting the global volume pedal settings. The EV1 is going into pedal 1, and I'm not using 4CM. The global volume is modifying the pre out. What I'm hoping to do is instead of having the range of the pedal be 0% volume to 100% volume, to instead have the range be say, 50% to 100%. I've found that getting precisely the right volume is very sensitive to small changes in the pedal - I'd like to step down this sensitivity so I'm not making 1/2 centimeter adjustments while playing.

Thanks in advance for your help!
You're only going to be able to adjust the range of volume with a volume block and using a modifier to set the minimum level.
I suppose you could just put an adhesive rubber bumper in the pedal to prevent it from going all the way to heel down.
I was afraid of that. Thanks for confirming!

Regarding the bumper, that's a good idea, but it wouldn't solve my issue of the minuscule adjustments having a relatively large impact on the volume.

Thanks again for your replies.
i've never used any expression pedal or analog volume pedals for "precise" volume adjustments. there's just no dexterity for that sort of thing.
Yeah, I ran into the same problem. I believe you can adjust the sensitivity and curve, but I'm not sure if its available at the global level.
It's been 6 years but I am not sure they develop this yet. I was hoping to have a modifier on the global setting but apparently not there yet
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