Global EQ when AxeFxII as USB computer audio interface. A question.

Per Boysen


I'm plugging my laptop into the Axe by USB (or technichally, setting up the Axe as the Mac's external audio interface) and I need to adjust the Global EQ a bit. But my problem is that the Global parametric EQ doesn't seem to affect the audio that is coming from the computer. Can I achieve this with some setting I might have overlooked?

(I read the manual but found no clues)
Hi Per,

I am pretty sure this is not possible at all. The global EQ only affects the output of the Axe. Somebody please correct me if I´m wrong.
Ok, thanks. I assumed something like that. Oh well, I will have to tell the sound guys to cut the sub on the PA at the gigs I'm going for. Don't want to blow speakers when live looping frenzy is tuning down chunks of audio many octaves.
It is actually possible i tried it just before to make sure it was. Set your main input source to USB, then make a preset in the axe edit with a shunt line from input to output (your audio signal basically passes through the grid so you can even apply effects or whatever to the sound coming from the usb). Now the global EQ will indeed affect the signal.
You just can't have both your analog input (i.e. your guitar) and your laptop going through the grid at the same time.
It is actually possible i tried it just before to make sure it was. Set your main input source to USB, then make a preset in the axe edit with a shunt line from input to output (your audio signal basically passes through the grid so you can even apply effects or whatever to the sound coming from the usb). Now the global EQ will indeed affect the signal.

You just can't have both your analog input (i.e. your guitar) and your laptop going through the grid at the same time.

Thanks. I may then have to buy an outboard EQ or rely on in-house PA system EQ, because musically the laptop effects are part of the analog instrument input sound patch. The laptop works as an effect send/return loop to the AxeFx.
I think it's possible. Remember , you have input 2 as well.

Yes, but I do need to run the laptop as USB effect loop to my patches. That's where I can't see a fix to make it work. It would have worked fine if the Axe's Effect Send/Return block could target the USB as an option (that would be a really really cool feature!!!!)
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