Global Bypass...assignable per preset.....per effect block

Flexible global bypass

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Power User
I love the ability to use 1 IA switch to toggle several FX blocks in and out, but the implementation could be better IMO.

First.....If we could choose Global bypass to be global or per preset. If global is would be the same as it is right now.

If preset is chosen then this is my idea.

In each preset we would be able to assign inside each individual block whether or not we want it to respond to the global bypass command.

That way if we want to have a wah in the preset and we want to use the global doesn't turn on the wah unnecessarily....or if there are 2 drive blocks in a preset and we want one to turn off and the other to turn on...hit global and the one active goes to the bypass state..the one bypassed becomes active etc.

At the same time the blocks you don't want controlled by global would remain unchanged.

Hopefully I am making sense.

I think this feature would be much more useful than it is in the current state.

Maybe there is a reason why it can't be done, so if anyone knows..please tell me.
Have you tried using the bypass modifier. You go to bypass, assign an the modifier to an external controller, assign that to an IA and you can turn on/off as many blocks as you want on a preset basis.

It seems that does exactly what you want.
gittarzann said:
I never thought of that...I guess that would work fine.

I use it all the time. It is a great feature. It allows you to use one IA to disable one to all effects blocks on a preset basis.
gittarzann said:
could you make one turn on and one turn the drive block scenario I outlined above ?

Yes, reverse the start and end points in the modifier section.
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