Global blocks question


Ok so, I'm getting ready for some shows this summer and will be using 1 Axe-fx 2 for both guitars. I've got my presets pretty much planned out but I have a question regarding global blocks.

In the presets I will be building, I'm goin to have 2 instances of certain blocks such as amp 1/amp 2, reverb 1/2, etc. I understand that you have global block "slots" for each specific named block, for example amp 1 has it's own global block slots and amp 2 has it's own, and they are not shared between the two. Since that is the case, I'm looking for an easy way to have continuity within the patches amp blocks 1 & 2, etc. In other words, I really don't want to have to write down every setting and copy them over to the 2nd instance of each block within all the presets. Plus I would prefer to not have to go through the extra steps of updating both global blocks in each preset every time I adjust something in one of them.

Ideally of course (for me at least) the global blocks would be shared between amp 1 and 2 for example. Any help or tips would be appreciated.

Nope, they are separate. No automated syncing between Amp 1 and Amp 2.
But you can use Axe-Edit to copy settings and paste to the other Amp block, or use its Library.
How would you copy the settings? Manually or can you copy/paste (somehow) setting from a block to another in axe-edit? Thanks dude!
copy and paste. right click on the block copy, then right click - paste to the other block

Or you can save a block to your block library and recall the block to the other instance.
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