Global blocks On / Off state ...........!!??!!

Anand Mahangoe

Power User
Before V6.0 , the On / Off state of the global blocks was not possible to save per preset............BUT since V6.0 I accidentally found out that it IS possible to save it but did not find anywhere in the manual that this was changed.....???

Anyhow, saves me a lots of programming...and thanks....:)
Does that include global eq? Sitting on a Tarmac in Atlanta do can't check but it would be cool to be able to do.

You mean globally used EQ blocks, not the global "global eq", right? It should work that way. Kinda workaround for the lack of saveable global EQ presets.
Yes, was changed for V6.

I noticed by accident, that blocks whose "bypass" value is tied to a modifier can still be switched by the front panel "fx byp." button. Did that change with V6, too?
As long as I remember, modifying a block's bypass rendered aforementioned "fx byp." button useless.
The changed behaviour is a BIG improvement in my book, so thanks for that! :)
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