Wish Global blocks (again)


Fractal Fanatic
Please please please add this or some other way to turn volume up or down for lead patches that affect all your lead scenes and or presets. The fx8 already sounds fantastic, but this issue sends me into a tweaking panic every time I do sound check. And just to nip this argument in the but, using a volume pedal is not good enough. I don't have time or presence of mind to ride the vol pedal while switching in and out of scenes in the middle of a hectic song

Also since we are not getting the 4x12 grid we need a couple more routing options so at the very least we can send delay repeats into its own block.

Very cool to see so many of the wish list items as "implemented"!
Can I ask why you don't just have a volume boost block? Is there too much else going on in your presets?

Like do you have 8 things going and need a 9th ie volume boost?

I am not trying to be difficult or snarky or anything. I didn't come from the AFX or MFC so maybe I just don't miss it because I've never had it. :)
I would still have to edit all 20 of my presets to get my lead volume up or down across all my presets with the volume block. Unless I'm missing something?
I would still have to edit all 20 of my presets to get my lead volume up or down across all my presets with the volume block. Unless I'm missing something?

No no. That's what I'd do. Just treat it like anything else. Like I almost always use a drive block, which means I always have to add one.

But it was just really easy with Axe-Fx?
I posted this in the AX8 area, I believe, it bears saying again. The FX8 and AX8 were not designed with global blocks in mind, and there is no plan to add them.
I posted this in the AX8 area, I believe, it bears saying again. The FX8 and AX8 were not designed with global blocks in mind, and there is no plan to add them.

You might as well post a sticky as such, because Fractal veterans new to the floorboards are going to keep asking about global blocks, and players new to Fractal are going to keep asking about how they can have a block keep its settings across all presets. :)
I just continue to wonder if there is a difference between not planning to add it and cannot add it (due design limitations) I keep hearing that we can use blks in Edit but that def doesn't do anything live at the show.
I posted this in the AX8 area, I believe, it bears saying again. The FX8 and AX8 were not designed with global blocks in mind, and there is no plan to add them.
Ok, I'll stop asking then. Thanks for being frank with us. Is there not some other way to accomplish a volume adjustment across many patches for the purpose of turning up or down lead patches? How about something like the global delay adjust? This works great so we can tune our rig to a different room. Volume is just as important if not more so.

Curious how many people out there think this is an issue? Speak up if you do!

Right now this is how it goes at sound check.. Sound guy says, hey brian, your leads aren't coming through, can you turn up just your leads? I'm like sure.. Just give me about 15 minutes while I edit 20 patches which each contain at least one lead patch. Ok sound checks over, three songs in when the venue fills up, sound guy says, hey Bri turn em back down. I'm like sorry no can do. So I end up trying to ride my volume knob. Then I get distracted and make a mistake, then I get pissed and start drinking at which point it seems like a good idea to turn my entire rig up. You guys know how the rest goes.

Now if I was playing Arena size shows, I would have a dedicated guitar tech or sound guy that could turn up my leads in the board. But just because I play smaller shows does not mean I don't work with pros. If this is a top of the line piece of pro gear it seems like a reasonable request to add some way to accomplish this.
My issues is usually not leads but balance between amp tones or an effect being to lout ect. Every blk in my ii is a global. I only got into it in the last year or two but man it was a game changer for me
Another idea, what about a feature in fx8 edit where you can group select more than one preset, and assuming they all have the same effect in block 8, than you can change the parameters of them all at once? Or something to that effect. My point is there are many ways this could be accomplished
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