glassy sound

Apples and oranges. The Axe-Fx plus CLR is a loud version of what you would hear in the control room AND what the audience would hear from a mic'd amp. If you want traditional guitar cab tone then use a power amp and traditional cab.

This is modeling 101. You guys should know this by now.
Even though I'd done my research prior to my purchase, this was still weird for me to wrap my head around, even though I'm primarily a studio/live guitarist, being USED to those sounds was one thing, not going through the gymnastics of dialing in my amp sound in order to get the sound I wanted when mic'd, that was another thing entirely.

I started out with my Axe-FX (a whopping month or so ago) as a replacement for my effects and for studio use. Over the space of about, maybe a week I said 'to hell with that', picked up a QSC K12 and have happily gone through several gigs and a slew of studio hours without looking back.

It IS a bit of a different paradigm, but once you wrap your head around it life changes considerably for the better.
The other guitarists I play with regularly are pissed. :D
Can you post the preset? You may be experiencing what's called Phase Cancellation.
This can happen for example when you have a mono setup and you are using the Stereo Enhancer.
There are other situations where this can happen. The audible result is often called "glassy".
It's a phenomenon which also can occur in analog rigs, when dry signal is summed with processed signal, resulting in very timing differences.
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I agree totally about the subjectivity of adjectives about guitar tones. I use the term "glassy" to describe that top end bite that only tubes can deliver. That is a tonal quality that I personaly that I love and push hard to get with the Axe.

FWIW I run my A2 into the fx return of my 5150 Head and I leave the power amp modeling on. I find the A2 is more flexible that way. I also think it sounds better...just my personal taste.
What's with all the vague jargon laden threads that begin as help-seeking and end up in a totally different place while at the same time disregarding the suggestions offered today?
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