Gift of Tone 2023 FINAL - Neal Schon!

WOW!! I have just been listening to some of Neal Schon's solo work, and what a talented guitarist he is. I made a bit of a tongue in cheek comment earlier in the thread saying that he was famous in the 80s (which he was), but never really knew that he had done so much more than the Journey stuff. The Journey stuff is fab, but having heard so many (bad) karaoke versions of "Don't Stop Believing" I have not listened to them as much as I should have done. I did buy Escape when it was first released and loved it. Going back to the karaoke, it shows the power of a worldwide hit when every person in a bar can join in with a sing-along. Not many bands can lay claim to that amount of success.

I doubt that Mr.Schon will read this, but if anybody should cross paths with him, please tell him that he has a new fan, and say thank you for the great music. And wish him a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Santana, Schon & Hammer, Bad English, Hardline, 11 Solo albums--lots of great stuff in there ...
WOW!! I have just been listening to some of Neal Schon's solo work, and what a talented guitarist he is. I made a bit of a tongue in cheek comment earlier in the thread saying that he was famous in the 80s (which he was), but never really knew that he had done so much more than the Journey stuff. The Journey stuff is fab, but having heard so many (bad) karaoke versions of "Don't Stop Believing" I have not listened to them as much as I should have done. I did buy Escape when it was first released and loved it. Going back to the karaoke, it shows the power of a worldwide hit when every person in a bar can join in with a sing-along. Not many bands can lay claim to that amount of success.

I doubt that Mr.Schon will read this, but if anybody should cross paths with him, please tell him that he has a new fan, and say thank you for the great music. And wish him a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Santana, Schon & Hammer, Bad English, Hardline, 11 Solo albums--lots of great stuff in there ...
Found it interesting how he sets the Delay & Reverb. Can anyone school me on the pros/cons of using Input Gain in Series to control the Level?
I don’t think you need schooling. You know the old saying “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.
If I had to guess it was likely something though up when Bob Bradshaw built his rigs.
Pros: It sounds great and works well for Neal. Cons: Opinion based.
Found it interesting how he sets the Delay & Reverb. Can anyone school me on the pros/cons of using Input Gain in Series to control the Level?

Controlling the level of a series delay or reverb via MIX will pull tails down wholesale and can sound abrupt and unnatural. Using INPUT GAIN allows you to "send" signal to the effects at will while maintaining natural decay no matter your input level.
So I was unable to load the Schon gift of tone to my FM3. FractalBot said that it was a AFX IIl file. I changed the name of the file slightly and saved it, then FactalBot was able to recognize the file as FM3 and uploaded fine. I hope this helps.
Fantastic stuff!!!
Anyone having noise issues with scene 4? I get a lot of hissing and noise when using.
You forgot HSAS - Hagar Schon Aaronson Shrieve
I also forgot his work with Paul Rogers, Soul Sirkus, 'I can't Stop the Fire' by Eric Martin from the Teachers soundtrack, and I just stumbled on some demos from that same time that Neal does with EM.

Best to check out his discography on Wikipedia
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Need to try this GOT at gig volume through FOH but I feel I need a little more Delay/Reverb mix and perhaps not the full on dry at heel down - both easily sorted- still, the Schon tone is there in spades!! Lost a few hours last night on a Caruso backing track!!!
was that with the the new files? look back through the thread. cooper’s prepared downloads and fractal’s planned a replacement.
No I havent looked, but will look now. Didnt know there was prepared downloads or a replacement. Whether I try with either fm3 or fm 9 or axefxIII, I get the same message
I have 1.6.5 installed.

EDIT: I installed FM3 edit 1.06.06 and now unable to import. So try 1.06.05.
EDIT: Reinstalled the previous edit, and can't import with that now. Guess I got lucky!
Final EDIT: Looked at found I reinstalled 1.6.6 like a bonehead. Hey I'm still working on my coffee dammit. I installed 1.6.5 and yes I can import.

View attachment 131772
Can confirm, reverting to 1.06.05 allows successful import of preset. Save preset, Exit FM3-Edit. Restart FM3-Edit, permit update to run to increment to 1.06.06, PLAY JOURNEY!!!
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