Getting the intro guitar synth tone in Iron Maiden's Moonchild


New Member
Hey guyz, could anybody help in getting the guitar synth tone in Iron Maiden's Moonchild? I tried to tweak the synth block in my Ultra but couldn't come too close to the original. I would appreciate any hints 'n tips.

Coming in at 0:26:

Single notes with dotted 8th delays. Should be possible to get the vibe, if not the exact synth sound. I'll have a crack tomorrow, see what I can do
just checked out the live version and no synth used, of course - 14 - Band intros + Moonchild - Porto Alegre - Pro shot - YouTube - just set a delay to about 380ms, or set the global tempo to about 120bpm and the delay tempo to 1/8dot (set tempo to use to "preset" and it will always load at that speed)

not had much luck with the synth sound, i'm afraid, but mixing in a little square wave, a little triangle wave and a little sin wave with adjusted duty values and lowered filter values with a normal guitar sound works ok to fatten it up and give the impression that it's not just normal guitar. you could drop the synth into your patch in parallel with your cab block and put the dotted 8th delay after, but to be honest if i was doing this live, i'd just drop in a delay block and be done with it :)
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