Getting error message "Insufficient CPU"


I run an AX8.

I use custom U2 presets.

Only since yesterday I was getting an error "Insufficient CPU power" or something to that effect on several of them.

I noticed some of them were running at 89% cpu power.

Either they've always been like this or something I've done to the AX8 is using more CPU.

Does anyone know if changing the global out EQ on the AX8 can increase CPU usuage?

What about adding Delays and reverb to Global Spillover function?

Would filling more preset bank locations take up marginally more CPU power?

Does running AX8EDit at the same time as playing the AX8 take up more CPU power?

What about adding a HR108 or two of them to the OUT 1 of the AX8. Would that take up more CPU power?

How can I tell if it is in the way the custom preset was designed or something/somewhere that got altered on my AX8?

The blocks that routinely get shut down are the reverb blocks to save CPU usage..... sometimes reverb blocks can bring CPU down from over 90% when they malfunction to somewhere only in the 60's. Reverb blocks are usually to blame for high cpu usage.

I didn't create these custom presets , remember that, so I can't just go and remove blocks here and there and expect them to sound great.

Help appreciated!
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Try to stay around 80% max CPU usage to be on the safe side. Turn down the reverb echo density to 2. Spillover doesn't matter, adding and removing blocks does. Amp, reverb, and drive blocks consume the most CPU power. Changing the global EQ doesn't matter. Running AX8-Edit does add to the bill so it might push you over the edge. Whatever is connected to the outputs is not relevant. If the preset was built for the AX8 (assuming you're using edo's presets) then AX8-Edit might be the culprit. I'd still check if I can lower the reverb echo density.

The only real thing I changed since getting this insufficient cpu message is having an HR108 (and soon two of them) attached to my output 1 and secondingly having AX8Edit open while playing the songs with CPU ratings some @ 89% cpu power.

I never had this trouble before despite the high cpu processing power of the custom presets.

So it could just be my setup. Still picking songs that have CPU usage capping at 89%-90% is risky business.

I may have to alter my setlist to find substitutes.
Did you try reducing the reverb echo density ? Attaching monitors doesn't have any influence on the CPU load, playing guitar does, running AX8-Edit while playing does as well.

I just talked to the preset creator Edo and he mentioned usb connection to the ax8 via ax8edit can put a strain on cpu load as usb is slow.

He, like you also mentioned modifying reverb echo density if disconnecting from the usb and ax8edit doesn’t work.

He says he’s used his ax8 with all these presets without fail with his tribute bands.
I'm still learning but what I found that helped me was to change Compressor to Optical. It helped reduce cpu and disable the Gate effect by lowering to off.
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