Gear battle!

better comparisson than most of the other videos on yt. but especially for highgain amps/settings it feels to me they are more comparing the cab sound than the real amp sound. a REAL test would be to use nearly same amp settings without cab sims and than run the signal both through the same IRs (or miced cabs)

i like the axe 2 sounds more anyway ;)

im currently preparing some real tests with axe fx, dual recifier, powerball, jcm800 and bassman and they are all using the same cab (IR) so really can compare only the amp signals and not only the whole chain at once
thanks for the link, very nice comparisson, ola is the dude! ;).
the axe II sounds "fresher" in this video imho, but i have also to agree totaly with gin concerning the cab sims.
Gear battle? More like slaughter! Haha

But seriously, the pod actually did pretty well, all things considered. Never thought I'd say THAT, but gotta give them some credit....
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