Gapless switching MAY be coming to FM9

Then you’re not switching channels on blocks.
Yeah. Or switching presets while playing I'd guess?

Switching between presets always had a gap.

Switching scenes only causes gaps when also switching channels on certain block types.

Since building around scenes has been the standard method for so many people for so long, it's conceivable a lot of folks haven't even noticed any significant gaps.

Also, I'd note that gapless doesn't necessarily mean a change will be completely seamless. Things like reverb and delay type changes could still be slightly jarring (although I think there are probably some workarounds for those).
Yeah. Or switching presets while playing I'd guess?

Switching between presets always had a gap.

Switching scenes only causes gaps when also switching channels on certain block types.

Since building around scenes has been the standard method for so many people for so long, it's conceivable a lot of folks haven't even noticed any significant gaps.

Also, I'd note that gapless doesn't necessarily mean a change will be completely seamless. Things like reverb and delay type changes could still be slightly jarring (although I think there are probably some workarounds for those).
I think we are all so used to these things bending the laws of space and time that we over expect. Like in the physical world, if you had a mesa boogie screaming for its life with a long, wet reverb and lots of delay then immediately stepped on a button and your guitar signal went to a Roland JC120 with no effects, your ear is going to find that abrupt, too. You will never be able to defeat that because it is how we hear. Like sounds will transition far smoother than vastly different ones. Change in sound is perceived far more sensitively than likeness. In short, as long as your presets make some kind of sense one after the other, I have a lot of faith this gapless switching will solve the gap problem (or non problem) for many of us. Me, I program my board to switch with tracks, so the switch is typically programmed in a non critical part, either a half of a second before or after where I want the switch, so the gap is less apparent. Usually right before I want the switch is where I program it, so the last phrase before the switch is just a little shorter and the switch itself (where we hear the most) is right on time.
Would gapless switching help with gaps going between scenes in a preset that have different Leslie speeds?
The Scene changes would be gap-less. Are the only changes between those scenes the rotary speed?

How are you getting different speeds? Changing channels on the block?

There are ways to change speed without changing scenes or channels...
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