Gap Diagnosis


Might anyone be able to tell me why i'm getting an audio gap going from Sc1 to Sc2? Originally, i was switching amp channels (A to B). But then i realized i'm only changing the Bass modifier, so I switched to using a Scene controller for it. but i'm still getting the gap. stumped.


  • Rebel Yell 4.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 3
You're changing channels in the Cab block.
thanks rex! i guess i was mistaken that gaps only resulted fr amp channel changes. grrr MUCH appreciated. bummed im 3k mi fr my pedal this afternoon. cant fix til tues.

so in addition to amp & cab channel changes, can gaps be caused by fx channel changes too?
Yes. Per Cliff, changing channels on any of these will cause a gap to some degree:

Graphic EQ
IR Player
Multitap Delay
Parametric EQ

Some are very short and hardly noticeable while others like the Amp block are more pronounced. Depends on how much stuff it's calculating in the background.

Edit: notalemming beat me to it. If the changes made in the new V23 Beta make it down to the FM9, it will be a non-issue.
There are many technical mistakes in this preset.
  1. Cab block changing channel even though they are sonically identical. There are small differences in the 'Preamp' tab EQ, but they are set to 'None', so it has no effect.
  2. Amp block changing channels even though they are identical.
  3. Many blocks changing channels in various scenes while being bypassed.
  4. Parallel routed Delay and Reverb blocks with their 'Mix' parameters not set to 100%. And their routing seems wrong to me?
  5. Delay Bypass states set to 'Thru', causing their 'tails' to be cut off when bypassing, and the dry signals to be altered.
moke, thanks for the bluntness! exactly what i need. i got in the habit of automatically using a different scene for many things because i would forget that a block's channel was used across numerous scenes and id change a parameter for a scene and realized it would affect another scene.

now i know!

much appreciated to all of you!
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