FXL block (low) output levels for DI


Quick question with a probably-obvious answer.

When I record, I shove an FXL block in the preset I'm tracking with, leave it default, and use that for a DI (via Output 2). In the past I've had no problem sending that dry signal (via my DAW) back into the Axe for reamping.

I'm fiddling around reamping my "regular" amp lately (Mark V), and I've found that the DI signal that the Axe creates is way too low for my it - it sounds like the volume is rolled way the hell down on the guitar. My signal chain is simply DAW (Axe-Fx dry signal) > Radial JCR > Amp. I can crank the level on the reamp box, but I get a good deal of white noise/hiss on the top end if I get the signal hot enough to reamp normally. I also have a regular Radial passive DI, and sending that into my DAW (same interface), the level is a good 6-10db hotter than the FXL block level coming out of the Fractal. Reamping that dry signal via the Mark sounds fine as-is.

So in a nutshell:

FXL Dry (Axe-II) > Interface > DAW > Interface > Output 1 of the Axe-Fx: Good (Glorious viking metal)
FXL Dry (Axe-II) > Interface > DAW > Interface > Radial JCR > Mark V: Not enough output
Radial Dry > Interface > DAW > Interface > Radial JCR > Mark V: Good (Glorious viking metal)

Thus, my questions:

1. I assume the quick and easy fix is just to turn up the main level in the FXL block, correct? If not - what's the correct way to get a straight usable DI signal out?
2. Why does the Axe-Fx have no problems with the original low output DI track, yet my reamp box treats it as a very low signal?
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