FX8 Preset/Scene Patch Help


So i might be slightly retarded and used to other units.

The manual confuses me further, but if i set all the fx blocks that I want in a scene. How do I select the scene without having to tap "scene" first. It just seems fairly inconvenient.

Sorry if this seems vague, I can clarify further if no one knows how to help.

Thanks in advance,
Two ways:

1) Put the unit is STICKY SCENE mode.
2) Assign S1, S2, ... to your footswitches.
So when I'm in sticky mode I can't change the Tap Tempo or Looper button to anything other than Bank Up/Down? I'm afraid of accidental taps on there.
There are several options for the function buttons, and also each one has a press and hold function, as well as a normal press and release function. I'm not sure if the manual has been updated or not, but I believe all the options are laid out in the release notes. Easier even would be to use fx8 edit, choose the function switch screen and you can scroll through the options for each.
If you're in Sticky Scene Mode, you can still use the Tap Tempo and Looper. In sticky mode, when the SCENE footswitch is pressed, the green light should be lit. Now you are able to use footswitches 1-8 to change scenes with one press of a footswitch. To go back to Stompbox mode, press the SCENE button once to turn off the light. To change presets, press and hold the SCENE footswitch until the green lights flash then select the bank and press the appropriate footswitch for the preset.. The lights only blink when in preset select mode (pressing and holding the scene footswitch) or the current preset will blink if in Preset Sticky mode. There is a learning curve if especially if you're used to other units but it definitely gets easier the more you use it. Enjoy!!
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