FX8 Looper "fun"


Heylow everyone..

I never really used any looper I owned in the past, mostly because they were built into other pedals and were never easy to get at... but also because I never really enjoyed watching other people use them live... the way that they force you to work doesn't really appeal to me as a songwriter...

Saying that, like a drunk guy with a wah pedal I was excited to give this one a go, because it was easy to get to and understand and I liked the idea of half speed and reverse guitar noodling...

So, with no further preamble I present my first go with a looper :D

I based this little sound collage around the wonderful little "bouncing balls" delay preset... you'll know it... it was recorded - barely - with a Zoom h5, and my stereo amp setup. Sounds massive in the room... sorry neighbours.

Open to tips and suggestions and creative insults.
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Looper attempt 2... very different.... totally random and unfocused in places.... but there's some cool bits and the sounds are great IMO... I really like the chord change and will use it for something in the future.

the whole thing has the pitch block and no glitching or tracking issues as is plain to hear. Saying that I always now use a compressor with the pitch block... seems to sort out issues...
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I realise I broke the above links - so if you wanted to listen earlier, but couldn't, my apologies... they're fixed now.
I will I promise. I just need to get happy. :) after new year I'll dump a bunch of presets up for people to play with.

And thanks for having a listen ☺
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