FX Loop, mono looper signal

Howdy all,

After trying to futz around with looper mode I decided a simpler approach would be better for my gigs; I bought a Ditto Loop Pedal (a perfect little device) and ran it into the FX loop on my Axe-FX II. Signal flow: Axe FX II Output 2 L----->Ditto In----->Ditto Out----->Axe FX II Input 2 L

The internal Layout is as follows:

IN--->Tube Pre--->Comp--->Enhancer--->FX Loop------------------------------------------------------------------------Reverb-------OUT

Splitting off of the Enhancer block and before the FX loop are blocks for Drive, Chorus, Phaser, Delays (2) and Reverb. Different combinations of Drive and/or the other effects are accessible via scenes. The reason for this split is so I can loop a phrase using a dry signal and use the other scenes for solos etc. without the original loop being affected. Make sense?

I play in a 3-piece acoustic guitar rock ensemble.

The problem I am having is that the signal when I play into this patch sounds weird, perhaps out of phase. I've tried different combinations of mono, L+R, etc. as well as phase in the I/O menu. Although I notice some differences, I still have a signal that sounds out of phase/weird.

I'm looking for suggestions. I'm not a tech guy at all, but I'm wondering if I have things hooked up/routed properly.

Or is it perhaps that the Axe FX II is not designed to have a mono in/out processor connected to the FX loop?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, y'all!


not sure about the phasing thing, but you could put everything in the same row and just put the fx loop at the end of the chain. then anything you hear will be recorded in the looper. stop recording and the looper will play that exact thing, turn on other effects and the looper playback won't have those effects since it's after.

might simplify things?
I explored this a bit and noticed the same thing. There is some phase issue that is caused by the two signal paths. Are you doing two paths to correct volume or something else?
I've actually had similar questions and concerns.

The closest fix I have found is to put the FX Loop in the same row as the other effects (and at the end) and then to boost the Loop output by 5 dbs to match the volume output of the original patch.

Open to any other thoughts.
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