fw18 ac30tb experience?


Power User
I'm tempted to install fw18, but having 4 gigs lined up starting tomorrow, I'm not sure its a good idea... Since all my presets use the ac30tb, I'd like to know how ac30tb users have adjusted from fw17.4 to 18, and how much of a difference there is.. Thanks in advance!
Backup all your presets and upgrade. If it's too much work to dial everything in just roll back.
Back up your presets - install FW18 and test it.
If you think your 17.04 sounds better just reinstall FW 17.04 and your presets, and you are gig ready again.
On a personal note I agree with SarasotaSwing my go to presets (none were AC30TB though) all sounded significantly better on FW18 compared to 17.04
I'm tempted to install fw18, but having 4 gigs lined up starting tomorrow, I'm not sure its a good idea... Since all my presets use the ac30tb, I'd like to know how ac30tb users have adjusted from fw17.4 to 18, and how much of a difference there is.. Thanks in advance!

I think it got a little better actually. On the other hand all my global blocks got unlinked.
Thanks for your feedback. Specifically, I'd like to know if it's any different in terms of gain / eq (i.e. will I have to adjust gain and eq to all presets or will they work as they are?). Unfortunately I dont have time to test it before actual soundcheck tomorrow, so I either do it (and stick with it for the 4 gigs) or I dont and wait till I can do a proper A/B test. If I were wise I'd wait, but I guess I'm not...! lol
EDO.. i play in a Queen Trib.. and have been working on getting a good Brian May tone for a while with FW17.04 I put in FW 18 last night and was very happy.. Just sounds better and feels better. I like it.. But I am starting from scratch building a presets.. So I haven't messed to much with the CLass A amps just kinda was starting to when FW18 came out..So cant say how much things might change for you. IF it were me.. and I had 4 gigs.. and no time to tweak. I would wait. I think you will be ok.. but who knows. I did notice some of the presets i had in the unit changed volumes significantly after the update. That's easy to fix though, but i waited to update till after my gigs last weekend.. I have a week or so to play with stuff. But I think you will be very happy once you do the update. I sure am.. Take care.
Thanks for your feedback. Specifically, I'd like to know if it's any different in terms of gain / eq (i.e. will I have to adjust gain and eq to all presets or will they work as they are?). Unfortunately I dont have time to test it before actual soundcheck tomorrow, so I either do it (and stick with it for the 4 gigs) or I dont and wait till I can do a proper A/B test. If I were wise I'd wait, but I guess I'm not...! lol

U2 I assume? Don't do it. Gain and Eq have changed and U2 types are particular as the changes are magnified by drive, it, delay, and reverb. However 18 is superior once tweaked which you don't have time to do.
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Normally I'd say don't do it but it's quite the pleasing update sooo ya try it with a backup first. You might just love it right away.

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I would wait until the official release *possibly* dropping tomorrow.

It's great, but there will be a bit more polish to the official...


lol seriously has Cliff had another epiphany ,it's funny though the sad thing is I would not doubt for a minute that he took G3 and figured out how to make it sound better than last week
U2 I assume? Don't do it. Gain and Eq have changed and U2 types are particular as the changes are magnified by drive, it, delay, and reverb. However 18 is superior once tweaked which you don't have time to do.

Couldn't resist, I've done it.. I've been messing around with the 2-3 main presets and they do sound a little crunchier, but it felt great right away. I backed up old presets and I'm going to take my laptop on the road, so that tomorrow I can gig with fw18, and if It doesn't work I can go back to 17.4 for the next 3 gigs.
Couldn't resist, I've done it.. I've been messing around with the 2-3 main presets and they do sound a little crunchier, but it felt great right away. I backed up old presets and I'm going to take my laptop on the road, so that tomorrow I can gig with fw18, and if It doesn't work I can go back to 17.4 for the next 3 gigs.

Nothin' like living on The Edge.....

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Couldn't resist, I've done it.. I've been messing around with the 2-3 main presets and they do sound a little crunchier, but it felt great right away. I backed up old presets and I'm going to take my laptop on the road, so that tomorrow I can gig with fw18, and if It doesn't work I can go back to 17.4 for the next 3 gigs.

Good luck! I don't blame you for updating. I just thought that you didn't have time to edit the presets. It definitely sounds better. I have a bunch of U2 presets and after updating, most were unacceptably affected (to me) but after editing, they are "Even Better Than The Real Thing" that was FW 17. The chime is a lot better for strats and the groat is much better with the Les Pauls. What's groat? I have no idea. I just made it up....
I'm gigging with 18.7 with my U2 Band and all the Amps are working great and sound better. Do it !!!
Edo, you are so a humble man.
You are probably the only man (with Mick :encouragement: ) on this planet who can play as good as The Edge himself.
Your sound was terrific already with the pod HD500, and it must be killing with the Axe FX II.
I suppose you will very quickly the tweaking tricks to sound "even better than the real world" !
Going from 17.04 to 18 should be no problem for you.

Thanks for sharing all your tips regularly with the U2 fan community ;)
(and if you ever consider sharing your Axe FX II presets, don't hesitate !)
Edo, you are so a humble man.
You are probably the only man (with Mick :encouragement: ) on this planet who can play as good as The Edge himself.
Your sound was terrific already with the pod HD500, and it must be killing with the Axe FX II.
I suppose you will very quickly the tweaking tricks to sound "even better than the real world" !
Going from 17.04 to 18 should be no problem for you.

Thanks for sharing all your tips regularly with the U2 fan community ;)
(and if you ever consider sharing your Axe FX II presets, don't hesitate !)

Thank you very much, sir!
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